1, 2, griever coming for you

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Waking up early in the morning I sit up and braid my hair back.

"Morning love." I hear Newt's raspy voice.

"Morning." Leaning in and gave him a small kiss. I sit up and get dress.

"Going to the maze today with Minho and Thomas?" He sits up at the edge of the bed and stretches.

"Mhm." I hum in response. I put my boots on.

"I'll walk you to the doors. But I want you to stay with me." He whines. I stand up walking over to him standing in between Newt's leg as he places both hands on either side of my waist. I like this feeling.

"Newt, you know I have to do my job." I huff. I rest my arms on his shoulders but he stands up so they slide down to his chest. Then a thought crossed my mind.

"If I get back early maybe we can do something fun." He repositions his hands on my waist.

As if he got what I was saying, his eyes widen then he sat back down on the bed. I laughed to my self as he was putting his shoes on. We head to the kitchen to get some food. After we ate I jog to the armory and get my go bag. We then walk to the doors waiting for Minho and Thomas.

"Be careful alright. Be safe. Do not play superhero okay?" Newt hugs me and cups my face into his hand so I can stare into his chocolate eyes.

"Always." I beam at him.

He moves his hands to my waist. I hook my arms around his neck and kiss him gently. I feel his lips forming a smile against mine as I do the same. My hands trail down to his chest and rest there as he pulls me closer slowly wrapping his arms around my waist. My arms wrapped around his torso and I stop to breathe. He moves on to my neck. Tilting my head back and digging my nails into his back making him groan. My lips return to his as he hungrily kisses me. I've never seen Newt like this before, I like it a lot. I finally remembered why we are out here in the first place. Minho and Thomas should be here soon. My mind says 'let go Ember' but my body won't let me. I look out of the corner of my eyes and see two figures in the distance. For real now I should stop this before it gets more intense and I don't think I can stop once it hits that point. I give him one last kiss and push him off. I still see the hunger and lust in his eyes as he looked confused at me.

"They are coming." I nod to the guys.

"We will continue this later." He purs.

"I'm counting on it." I wink at him.

"Hey guys, don't have to hide it from us we already know. Well officially yesterday we knew about it but for me, the first time you came up in the box Ember, Newt gave you this creepy rapey eyes and watched you sleep but you did the same thing when he got hurt." Minho jogs up to us. Newt scratches the back of his neck awkward.

"Thanks Minho." I blush.

"Just saying you don't have to hide it. Actually the whole glade knows. Chuck told, not me." Minho raises his hands up for defence.

"That little shuck." I mutter to myself.

"Anyway you guys ready?" I nod my head and look towards them.

"Yep. Thomas and I are going to section 7. It's supposed to be closed off but that's where the device came from. Do you want to come with us or check out the other sections?" Minho puts his go bag on.

"I'll check the other sections. You guys are probably going to be a while, so after my sections I'm heading straight back here. Sound good?"

"Good that." He replies.

"I love you. I'll be back soon. I promise." I hug Newt.

"I love you more. See you soon." Giving him a quick kiss then I stand next to Thomas. The doors open feeling the breeze.

"Lets go." Minho yells. We take off running. I look over my shoulder to see Newt still standing there as we disappear into the maze. After getting into the outer ring, I separate from the guys heading to section 1.

After covering section 6 I skip 7 and head to 8. I turn the corner and hear the maze changing. That's weird, it only changes at night. I stopped in my tracks as I hear a griever call out right behind me.

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