banishment is karmas doing

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I get out of my trance finally and walk over to the med-jacks to get checked out. I have a busted lip and a broken nose. They had to set my nose back in place. I walk over to the pit to say my final good bye. I knew that something was going to happen I just didn't expect it to end like this. Newt, Gally, and a few other gladers are guarding the pit. I step up to them and Newt walks up to me. I see Ben through the bars, he looks worse.

"Hey love." Newt hugs me.

"Hey." I murmured. Ben looks through the bars. His hands grasping onto them and his knuckles turning white. He snarls and roars at me.

"I just want to say a few words to him. Is that ok?" I let go and brush the hair out of my eyes.

"Yea take your time. But just before dusk. You alright?" He looks at me with worried eyes.

"I will be fine. Just need a minute is all I need." I replied.

"Boys. She needs room." Newt address to the guys. Leaving Ben, Newt and I. Newt stayed with me just in case something happens. I sit down at the pit door.

"Ben I don't know what to say. You have hurt me physically and emotionally. Now you know my pain and it's hard for me to say it but it's true. You are leaving and both of our pains will be gone. I never expected it to end like this but what's done is done, can't stop the changing now. I'm sorry that you got stung but am I sorry that you are leaving? I can't answer that. I want to say no but my mind says yes." I look up at him he snarls and growls. I tense up but realise he can't hurt me anymore.

"Ben our love is gone. I don't know where it went but it's long gone. We did like each other in the beginning but it's the end. We hate each other but we won't admit it. You can't hurt me anymore. You will be banished and I will never see you again. You belong to the maze not with me." I feel a hand on my shoulder I flinch and turn around. Newt looking at me with sorrow in his eyes, he knows everything now.

"I just came here to tell you goodbye. I know you are in a lot of pain but forgive me, this is what is best for you. Trust me. Goodbye Ben." Newt and I stand up and hug. He shushes in my ear telling me everything will be alright.

"Hey you can stay with me tonight if you'd like. Some of the guys are aware of Ben leaving and to them that means you are on the market. I promise I won't do anything. That and..." I cut him off.

"Thank you newtie. It means a lot. I have to watch my back now."

I head over to the homestead to trash all of Ben's items. He doesn't need them anymore and neither do I. It will just remind me of him and I need to get him out of my head. I hear a knock on one of the post as I take down his hammock.

"Its time Em." Newt whispers.

He walks over and grabbed my hand. I flinch at the touch but relax into it. We walk to the doors of the maze as I throw away Bens things. Alby told me it was a good idea to watch the banishment, he said it will mentally and physically note Ben is gone but he is already gone. Newt lets me go to join the others grabbing a pole. I see Chuck, so I stand next to him. He wraps his hands around my waist to hug me. Poor kid, he's so young to be watching all of this happened. I hug him around the shoulder.

"Hang in there mom. It will get better. I have a feeling." Chuck whispers.

"Thanks chucky." I say.

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