test or game

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A door opens letting a little white light pass through it. We go through the door and see a hall full of pipes. Its very dark and creepy. I slide my hand around Newt's back as he does the same for me. He smiles down at me kissing my forehead. One at a time a light flickers on down the halls.

"Do you think they are expecting us?" Chuck utters. He looks pretty shaken up.

"I don't know." Thomas tilts his head as we walk down the hall.

"Come here chucky." I rest the arm not around Newt on Chuck's shoulders.

"Aww y'all look like a cute little family." Minho sasses.

"Hahaha shut it mean hoe." I laugh sarcastically.

"The sass is real." Winston uses is hands as a microphone.

"No seriously, you guys do look like a family. I think that's adorable." Teresa inputs.

"We do look like a family don't we?" Chuck looks at us. We do don't we? If we get out of here I would be happy to start a family. I think a fresh start out of the maze is good. Start a new life.

"If I don't find my family will you guys be my family?" Chuck ask. I feel tears start to develop in my eyes.

"Chucky you were always a son to me. You will always be my son even if you do find your parents. Your my little boy." The tears slowly poor out.

"Chuck you are basically my child. Being second in charge makes me a parent of some sort. You will always be my son." Newt wipes my tears away as I smile up at him.

"Thanks guys." Chuck smiles.

As we get to the end of the hallway, we stop at a door that has the EXIT sign above it, written in white light.

"Seriously?" Frypan says annoyed.

"They think this is a game." I mutter.

"Its just a test." Thomas sighs.

"To us, its a test. To them, its a game." I scoff.

Thomas goes forward and opens the door slowly as it creaks. Smoke coming out of the roof, there are people laying on the floor wearing white long coats, lights hanging out of the ceiling, some lights are flashing, glass shattered along the ground, and a low alarm going off. What is going on? We all step into the room I let go of Newt and Chuck because we all can't fit through the doorway. Walking past a window I look through it and see two bodies on a table covered in a blue blanket with blood soaking it.

"Is this what they do to us? Were those going to be more greenies?" I ask out of no where.

"I don't know." Thomas utters. He is in shock.

We walk through the main center where all the computers and technology is. There are electric sparks coming out of walls, ceilings and computers. More glass, dead bodies, and lights are flickering. Newt, frypan and I walk towards this computer like desk. There are parts of a brain, pictures of our glade and pictures of us flash on the screen. I grab Newt's hand again.

"So they were watching us. This whole time." Newt sighs. All of a sudden a older woman pops up on the screen. She is wearing a white coat as the rest of the others.

"Hello. My name is doctor Ava Paige. I am director and operations of the world catastrophe kill zone department. If you are watching this that means you have successfully completed the maze trials."

We all gather around the large screen with her talking on it but there are some workers in the background running around. Something is wrong. I lean up against Newt and he wraps his arms around me as we watch this Ava lady.

"I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you. But circumstances seem to have prevent that. I'm sure by now all of you must be very confused, angry and frightened. I can only assure you that everything that has happened here, everything we have done to you. It was all done for a reason. You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world." Pictures show up of different things. Chuck walks over to me and watches the screen. I rest one of my arms on his shoulder.

"Billions of lives lost to fire, famine, suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable." A picture showed up with burnt bodies lined up. I wrap my other arm behind Newt he tightens his grip around me.

"What came after was worse. We call it the flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, incurable or so we thought." It showed a picture of people going though the change.

"In time a new generation will emerge that could survive the virus. Suddenly there was a reason to hope for a cure but finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested." I look down at Chuck as he looks shocked. I pull him closer to me.

"Even sacrifice inside harsh environments, where their brain activity could be studied. All in an effort to understand what makes them different. What makes you different." She stares directly at us causing the chill bumps to form along my arms.

"You may not realize it but you are very important. Unfortunately your trials have all just begun as you no doubt will soon discover not everyone agrees with our methods." Men in black clothing start shooting at the white coat people.

"Progress is slow, people are scared, it maybe to late for us, for me but not for you. The outside world awaits. Remember." A man starts shooting at Ava's glass window but she pulls out a gun and pointed it at her temple.

"WCKD is good." I turn to not watch as she blows her brains out I cover Chuck's eyes.

Thomas walks in front of us for the body with the white coat. It's Ava. All of a sudden an alarm goes off and a door opens.

"It is over?" Chuck whisper from below me.

"She said we were important. Then what are we suppose to do now." Newt says above me.

"I don't know." Thomas utters. We look around the room then back at the door.

"Lets get out of here." Thomas  annouces.

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