run run as fast as you can

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I take off running. The griever calls out and crawls its way to me. I'm officially running for my life. Jesus these things are fast but they do have six legs. I make various turns and dodges of being slammed into a wall or crushed by it. May I remind you that not only am I running from a griever but the maze is still changing. The sound of another griever is closing in. Great. Make that two.  These things never stop do they? My breathing picks up and the other joins our wild goose chase. Maybe they speak human?

"I know I'm fabulous but you don't have to chase me." I yell at them.

They call out again and speed up. So they don't understand. Check. I turn a corner and it's a dead end, awesome. There are vines on the wall I'm going to have to climb it. 'Heights bad' my mind thinks. 'No brain if you want to live you have to climb' my gut yells. I climb up the vines and get to the top the grievers are climbing up to. I slide down on the wall and run, heading to whatever section I am close to. I don't even know where I am at just need to get away as far away from those things. But before I get there the grievers are back. 'Seriously?' I think to myself.

"Leave me alone stalkers! I don't taste good." I scream at them but they hiss back.

Instead of leaving me another griever comes into the game. I look ahead and see a wall shutting I can lose them in there. I'm gonna pull a greenie.

"Sorry boys, the party is ending early tonight."

I take off at full speed, not looking back. I hear the grievers call out again as they chase me. I feel the walls caving in on me as I barely make it through. Rolling on the concrete ground realizing where I am. Section two not so far away from the doors. I try to stand up losing my balance and crumble to the ground. Was I stung? No I didn't feel it, but I do feel dizzy. Just before I'm about to close my eyes two figures running toward me call my name.

"Em. Hey. What happen?" Minho picks me up bridal style.

"Grievers. Three of them. Don't worry I wasn't stung. They chased me from section 8 to here. I lost them at the wall over there." I point to the wall.

"Ember the grievers are on the left side." Thomas looks concerned at me.

"That's where I pointed." I gave them a puzzled looked.

"No you pointed at the right side. How many fingers am I holding up." I counted 5.

"5." I say in a matter of fact tone.

"No it was 3. She has a concussion." He tells Minho.

"Alright mom lets get you back to the glade. Looks like I'm the one taking care of you." Minho and Thomas head towards the doors.

"Can I pass out now?" I slurred.

"No, not a good idea." Thomas replies.

"Ok." My eyes feeling heavy.

"Hey! Ember. Wake up. We are almost there. Don't leave me yet." Minho shakes me.

"Five more minutes." I mutter.

"Catch greenie." Minho throws me and I feel like I'm flying but then hit something hard but squishy.

"Earthquake!" I scream.

"No em not a earthquake." I look up and see I am in Thomas's arms.

"I'm not some rag doll. You are carrying precious cargo." I flick Thomas in the ear.

"Yea for who, Newt?" Minho retorts.

"Look here mister sassy, you are lucky I am in this condition right now. If I wasn't I could slit your throat and Thomas, I'll cut your tongue out if you are laughing behind the back of my head." I sense him making weird faces behind me. My eyes grow heavier. I feel the increase of wind flying past us.

"Stay with me Ember. Don't leave me. We need you." I hear Thomas huff out. I shut my eyes.

"Med-jacks!" Clint! Jeff! Help!" Minho screams out.

"Ember! What happened to her?!" I hear Newts voice rage.

"Mom!" I hear Chuck panic.

"She took on three grievers. She has a concussion. We told her how many fingers we held up three she said five. Also her sense of direction is bad." Everyone gasp.

"Please don't leave me Em. I need you. Stay with me. Please wake up." I hear Newt cry.

"We will take her. Hopefully she won't slip into a coma." I feel someone pick me up and carry me away. In the back ground I hear the guys arguing and I drown it out.

After what seems like forever I wake up to screaming. I sit up and look around the room, it's dark outside and I can't get my baring's, wait I'm in the med-jacks. I look to my right, a few beds down I see Alby awake rocking back and forth. I walk over to him and kneel down in front of him.

"Alby." I ask gently. He flinches and his eyes dart to mine.

"Alby what's happening?" I grab his hand.

"They're coming." He whispers. That's when I hear the grievers call out.

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