dont let me die from stupid

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"Thomas no!" I hear Chuck shriek. I look up for one second and here comes Thomas, in 3D action, smacking right into me, full body.

"Ow. What the hell Tommy." I rub the side of my head. The doors are closed. We are stuck in the maze with a greenie who is an idiot, our leader stunged passed out, sassy asian, and then there is me.

"Good job. You just killed yourself." Minho pants.

"What?" He sputters.

"You killed yourself Tommy. You dummy. We are griever bait. The menu is us. What we have on the special tonight is asian noodles." I point to Minho using a fake french accent.

"White rice." I point to him.

"Black beans." I point down at Ably.

"Then a marshmallow for dessert." I point at myself.

"Why a marshmallow?" He ask.

"Because greenie I wanna be a shucking marshmallow. Got a problem with that? I wanna die knowing I was soft, fluffy and delicious." I screamed in his face.

"Your crazy." He mutters.

"You think? You're an idiot, glad we got that settled. Minho, what's the plan?" I look over to him. He does not respond. He is scared, we are all scared.

"What happened to him?" Thomas kneels down to Alby.

"What does it look like. He got stung." Minho spits fire.

"What happened to his head?"

"I did what I had to do." Thomas stares at Minho frightened.

"He was attacking me." I look down at the ground.

A griever calls out. They're coming for us and they know we are here. We have nowhere to hide its all wall, ivy and vines. We are going to die but I will put up a fight. I am a fighter not a runner. Well technically I am a runner but you get the point. Minho stands up grunting.

"We have to go. The maze is already changing." I hear the walls moving. Its starting to get dark.

"Hey mean hoe."

"Ooooh shuck. Oh shuck. We got a bad shank up in here. Minho, tommy boy just called you a mean hoe. Your response?" I smirk. I am a very funny person so I'm going to die funny.

"We can't just leave him here." Thomas looks at us then down at Alby.

"He is right my asian. We can't leave him here as bait." I give in.

The boys grab Alby and carrying him as I lead the way watching out for grievers. We walk to the parting of the sections.

"Set him down. Set him down." Minho gasp for air. We lay him up against the wall, all huddled up around him. The grievers call out again.

"They are coming." I look at the boys. Fear spreads across their faces.

"This isn't going to work. We gotta go. We gotta go." Minho stands up to walk off.

"Wait what? What are you talking about? We gotta do something. We gotta hide him." Thomas stumbles over his words.

"Where?" Minho snaps.

"I dont know. Minho just think. There isn't a single place to take him?" Minho out of rage picks Thomas up by the collar of his shirt. I flinch.

"Listen here shuck face, alright? Take a look around. There is no where to go!" He yells through his teeth.

Minho lets go of Thomas and paces. I look down at Alby. He would know what to do, hell even Newt would. I wish Newt was here.

"You dont get it, we are already dead." Minho shakes his head.

"We were already dead when those doors shut in our faces." I commented.

Thomas stands up and stares at a wall with vines. He is the most brilliant idiot. The boys get to work on Alby as I watch for grievers yet again. It is now fully dark out here and my eyes start to droop.

"Come on Ember stay with me." Thomas shouts. My throat is dry as the walls that surround us.

"Water?" I ask Minho. He throws the canteen towards me. I take a small sip and putting it in his bag. The grievers let out a cry.

"Griever and its close by." I whisper.

"What are you doing?" Thomas yells at Minho.

"Keep your voices down or they will hear you." I shush them.

"We gotta go. We gotta go." Minho panics.

"Their coming Tommy. Tie it off now." I tell.

"No. Just a little more. Stay with me guys. Just a little more."

"Sorry greenie. I'm so sorry Ember." Minho lets go of the vine and takes off running.

"Minho!" We shout.

Thomas slides to the wall and I start to panic. The griever calls out it's right around the corner. I look up against the wall there are vine like bushes I can hide under it. I get on all four and crawl under the vines pulling Thomas under with me.

"Shhh." I tell him.

We watch the griever crawl by us. Its metal legs shining through the moonlight. You can hear the clanking and clunking of the legs hitting the ground feeling the vibration as it sends off from the ground. Once it's finally out of view I exhaled. I didn't notice I was holding my breath. my eyes catch sight of a branch we can tie Alby's vine to. I showed Thomas and he ties it off and we get out of the vine bush.

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