Chapter 11

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So Allison ended up taking me to a middle class night club that was about 20 minutes from the hotel.

From the outside it had a very dull plain red wall and typical club entry guarded by two bouncers and a long line of party-freaks.

Stepping outside of the taxi Allison linked arms with me and walked straight to the door. I got confused and looked at the line and back at Allison. She gave me a wink and looked at the bouncer smiling.

''Hey Steve.'' She smiled at the tall bulky man.

''Alli, hello hello. You have bought company I see.'' He looked past her to me. '' I started to get nervous, what if he knows that I'm underage?

''Yes she's my good friend from work, meet Lexi.'' She smiled, I extended my hand and was welcomed with a firm yet gentle hand shake.

''Well I hope you lovely ladies have a good time then.'' With that he opened the door and suddenly the loud rhythm and thumping rushed through the door.

Allison took me by the hand and walked me down the stairs with her. With every step down the music became louder and louder.

As we came to the end of the steps, inside was very different, the place was nicely blue dimmed lighting. People were dancing on the dance floor others where at tables or at booths. Looking around more the DJ was in the front centre stage area and the lighting came down flashing from all around him.

Heaps of people were intoxicated and having fun and had no care in the world.

Allison led me through the crowded bodies and to the bar were a man about her age was busy serving drinks, until his eyes met hers.

He squinted then smiled. Both Allison and I walked up to the bar and took a seat on a black leather stool.

''Allison baby, good to see you.'' He leaned over the bar and kissed her on the cheek.

''Same to you Wren." They held a gentle gaze until he looked at me.

"I would like you to meet Lexi Carrter, she works with me and she's new.'' She turned towards me smiling with her beautiful whites. I smiled back and turned to Wren who had pulled me slightly over placing a kiss on my cheek.

''Nice to meet you Wren.'' I chuckled.

''You too dear... What can I get you fine ladies?'' he asked.

''Tequila shots! Loads of them baby boy!'' She yelled over the music. I looked at her with my eyes slightly open a little wider then usual.

Wren poured us 4 shots of tequila with salt already around the brim and then he handed us two sliced lemons. I turned to watch Allison as she placed her lip on the shot and tilted her head backwards taking the shot down and quickly biting into the lemon.

She shut her eyes tightly then quickly opened them and indicated me to take the shot. Heck, I'm not going to sit around and whine over a 'kiss' I should be having fun!

I slightly smiled and took the shot in my hand. I'm going to regret this. I placed my lips around the glass, tilted my head back quickly letting the liquid burn down my throat, I then grabbed the lemon and sucked on it for dear life.

I started coughing as Allison slowly patted my back and laughed.

''That's something new!" I shouted over the loud music. She handed me the 2nd shot and clinked our glasses together.

"We celebrate today!'' With that we both drained all the liquid down.

After the 4th shot I decided to stop. I've been drunk once in my life and I really don't fancy experiencing it again.

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