Chapter 14

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I stirred around gently in bed trying to grip my side pillow... unfortunately I grabbed something stiff covered in soft silk. I shoot my eyes open and in my view was a sheepishly grinning Enzo. His eyes were closed but I knew that he was awake.

I quickly loosened my grip around his bulge and diverted my hand away from his crotch. Immediately regretting what I had done he quickly grabbed my wrist almost impulsively.

"And a fine morning to you too Lexa." Enzo smirks mischievously, his voice low with lust.

My eyes grew wide, without thinking I immediately turn my body to the right and hide my face with the sheets, hoping and praying Enzo didn't notice I was awake. Which was probably too late to mention because he definitely witnessed my eyes pop out of my head.

Suddenly I felt a hard body against my back, and even a harder object pushed up against my lower back.

"All you have to do is ask babe." Enzo continued, snaking his arm around my torso before sliding up to almost grab my breast.

"Uh- oop look at that I gotta pee." I replied nervously and quickly jolted up and out of his grip. I almost didn't care that I was half naked and running to the bathroom.

As I slammed the bathroom door behind me I placed an ear to the door and all I could hear was a low chuckle.

"Ah Lexa you're so naive and you've already made my morning before I even got out of bed." Enzo states sarcastically, I can tell he has the biggest smirk on his face. "Well, I don't know if I can get up now..."

I almost screamed at what I heard before I covered my mouth tightly. I immediately regret letting out a whimpered scream because then I heard a low chuckle followed by a deep moan, I really hope he just yawned. I hesitated and backed slowly away from the bathroom door.

This is probably the worst morning of my life so far.


After what seemed like half an hour I built up the courage to open the door, I peeped through the door to see an empty bed. Oh thank goodness!

I walked towards the bed with a sigh of relief and sat myself down on the edge of the bed. I only thought he would of stayed until I fell asleep. Wait... Did he want to sleep next to me? After this mornings awkwardness how can I face him?


Lexi be brave.

Don't let his small moves affect you.

Show him your strong and that it will take more than an awkward event like that to bring me down.

I took in a deep breath and walked slowly and cautiously out of the room.

While walking towards the kitchen my stomach started to loudly rumble.

Hmm what does this asshole have to eat for breakfast. I wandered around the kitchen grabbing as many ingredients as I could to make a fulfilling breakfast.

Here I am currently cooking french toast in a billionaires apartment and not just any billionaire but Enzo... Eric's Brother.

I started humming to a song as I waited for the bread to brown up, I looked around the kitchen and sighed. I heard a suppressed laugh.

I immediately turned around to see a very amused Enzo leaning against the fridge with his toned arms crossed  over his defined chest- oh my and as a bonus he was wearing a plain fitted t-shirt. Paired with dark blue jeans. I hope he didn't notice my eyes popping out of their sockets.

It was different seeing Enzo in casual clothes since his everyday OOTD was in rich suits. This side of enzo looked a lot less intimidating and he looked as if he was a normal guy.

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