Chapter 12

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We stood in silence for what seemed like hours, until he cleared his voice and spoke up.

''What I meant to say was... if I didn't get into that room in time you would of been in a car on your way to a far away place.''

''Did you know those men?'' I croaked.


''Yes?'' I questioned.

He nodded his head and grabbed his black blazer and phone then walked in front of the door grabbing my heels and handing them too me.

I was going to ask him about what happened yesterday but I was too embarrassed. I silently grabbed my heels and put them on. looking up at Enzo he had just gotten off the phone with his eyebrows furrowed.

''I have a car waiting for you downstairs, my driver will take you back to the hotel.'' He explained as we exited the elevators.

Everyone around the lobby of the hotel glanced in our direction and started whispering.

Just great.

He walked me out to the entrance where there was a black range rover waiting for me. And being the gentleman he is he didn't even bother opening the door.


The driver opened the door for me and without saying goodbye to him I got into the car, looked out the window and sighed.

The windows were tinted so he couldn't see me but I could clearly see him. He placed both hands in his pockets, looked down and walked off back into the hotel.
I am so late! It was 9 am and I was meant to be at work 2 hours ago.

Sebastian is going to murder me.

I got out of the car trembling and ran straight to the elevators. I looked in my reflection and cursed under my breath.

As soon as I got home I ran to my room and picked out a random outfit, I didn't even have time to do my hair.

While I look disgusted at my reflection on the elevator walls I quickly tied my hair in a neat ponytail and fixed the buttons of my white blouse and smoothed out my cream coloured pencil skirt.

The elevator doors opened and I quickly entered the floor and ran straight into Sebastian office. I fixed my outfit again and then calmly knocked on the door.

I heard him answer and I stepped inside slowly. When I had stepped in he was smiling... smiling?? I walked in and stood infront of his desk.

''I'm so sorry for being late... last nig-'' I was cut off by the sound of his soft chuckle.

''No, it's fine Enzo told me everything.'' He smiled. Oh no, he didn't! I went to speak but he cut me off again.

''How are you feeling? He told me you were feeling a little sick in the morning, I think I make you work too hard.''

I relaxed.

Oh thank god!

I thought he would of just snitched me in and told Sebastian about my bad behavior.

''Oh yes, I'm feeling a little better, I think it's just the weather.'' I lied. He nodded his head and looked at his laptop.

"We have a charity ball today, I should of told you earlier but I myself even forgot about it. It's hosted by my aunt and uncle and they would love for you to come. It would be great experience for you and also writing a report about it will surely give you high marks.''

My subconscious was dancing and fist pumping the air...

I'm going to a charity ball! It's going to be amazing! I've only known about these charities because of movies and let me tell you ever since I was 5 I've always wanted to go to a ball just like Cinderella.

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