Chapter 24

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So you know in movies where you start yelling at the screen because the dumb teen heard something outside and goes to see what it is and obviously it's the killer but she's just too stubborn to like not click knowing all her friends have been brutally killed yet she still goes and opens the door...

Well let me just say, I'm not going to be that dumb teen, instead I'm just going to wait untill the person goes or calls out.

Another loud knock at the door causes me to stumble back, my heart grew faster as it pounded rapidly. I gulped loudly and tightly gripped onto the remote as I felt a drop of sweat sliding down my fac-

''Lexa would you kindly open this fucking door before I knock it down.'' Well, his tone seemed deadly...

I let out the breath I didn't notice I was holding and walked towards the door, unlocking it.

There standing with his feet planted and arms crossed was the person I was actually glad to see.

''Oh Enzo!'' I sighed as I closed my eyes  in relief as my head rests against the door frame. ''Come in.'' I stepped aside and allowed him to enter.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone Lexa?" His cold hard tone filled the room causing me to shivver.

''It was ...on charge in my room...  why, what happened? Where are Dante and Angelo?'' I asked worriedly. He walks into the lounge room and sits on the sofa.

''They are fine, we just couldn't get intouch with you, thats all.'' I walked to the opposite end of the sofa and sat down facing him.

''So, whats up?'' I asked curiously.

''Nothing, I just sent the boys back to the estate to take care of some business in regards to Eros.'' He rested his right ankle ontop of his left knee.

''Oh okay. Um you do know it's like....11:30 at night, right? Aren't you meant to be asleep?'' God dammit Lexi, you and these questiions...

''I was busy, just got back a couple of minutes ago, couldn't sleep so I came here.'' I smiled to myself.

''Are we going to 'hang out' just like the old times.'' I smirked bringing my legs up and crossing them.

He leaned forward not changing his facial expressions and took the bowl of chips and started to eat them.


We decided to watch Tangled, yes I picked it.

I looked over to Enzo to see him staring at the blank wall, not even blinking.

I knitted my brows together and turned my body towards him as I crossed my legs, in a matter of seconds he shook out of his daze and looked at me.

"Si Lexa?" His tone a little raspy.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I said trying to lighten the mood. I know Enzo is a complete jerk though it wasn't in my nature to be cold hearted.

"Nothing that concerns you curious George." A very slight tug at the end of his lips was enough for me. I fiddled with my fingers slightly.

"Enzo, has Eric been acting weird around you lately?" Enzo furrowed his eyebrows as his lips pressed into a line.

"No, not really? Why do you ask?"
I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"It's just, he hasn't really been talking to me as much, and I'm worried."

I wait for his reply as he stares into my eyes for a while then looks away.

"Too busy with Ashley, if I understand correctly." He answers in monotone.

I grit my teeth together, sit back and sigh as I cross my arms. I know hearing this should not effect me but i can't help it because he's ignoring me for no particular reason.

"Why are you so concerned about him Lexa?" Enzo asks dryly.

"It's just ..... Never mind ." I focus my attention back to the tv and try to think of other things.

I feel Enzo shift beside me, he gets up and walks towards the kitchen.

Now that he's been here plenty of times, he knows where everything is so I don't even bother.

I see him enter the lounge area with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine from my aunties wine rack.

I was about to tell him off but I thought, why not? I have too much on my mind and I need to hang loose a little bit.

In response I smiled slightly and watched as he gracefully, and quite professionally, pours the wine into the two glasses.

I couldn't help but let my eyes linger at his arm as they tensed under his ever so tight fitted shirt. I then look up towards his face, his lips pressed in a thin line as he concentrated on pouring the contents.

He rarely smiles. But when he does, its a precious thing to witness.

''I guess we both need this tonight.'' I hesitantly laughed as I took a small sip, to have a little taste of it. May I say it was one fine wine.

We spent hours talking about movies, books, school life and much more, each topic was another glass full of wine, it was then I started to feel a little tipsy.

''Soooo, let me in about these past girlfriends of yours.'' I tried my best not to make it obvious that I was on the verge off flying off to la la land.

Unlike my self, Enzo seemed very unaffected by the wine.

''There is nothing to tell, I've never been in a serious relationship. They were more one night stands I guess.'' he responded truthfully.

I wanted to ask more but it seemed too restricted of a question to ask.

I finished the last contents of my wine and place my glass on the coffee table. We were both sitting on the carpet, our backs supported by the couch. He had one leg extended while his other leg was was propped up with his elbow resting carelessly on top as his hand drooped down.

I turned towards Enzo, observing him for a bit as he stared in front of him as if he was in deep thought. He suddenly caught me off guard as he turned his head to look at me.

It wasn't just a look, it was an observation. He started with my legs, his eyes moving slowly up towards my hips to my chest and then finally to my lips. He kept his gaze there for a little bit as my goosebumps erupted all over my arms. He then finally looked into my eyes.

Yet, he held no emotions which made it difficult for me to understand how he was feeling, but my mind didn't care at that point.

I slowly moved closer towards him, he kept his eyes on me. I stopped until I was close enough. My lips parted slightly as I felt my breathing begin to quicken, I lean in closer to him.

Right at this moment my heart was drumming against my chest. I didn't know if I wanted this, but my body kept craving. i Iclosed my eyes and slightly brushed my lips against his, at first he didn't react, but in the matter of seconds I felt a strong hand find its way to my hips. He lifted me up effortlessly as I cradled his lap. He took control as he cupped my face, leaning in closer as our lips molded with one another.

Our lips moved in sync, my mind didn't comprehend what was really happening and before I knew it I was slowly and almost instinctively grinding into his lap.

I felt hot all over, our kisses become more and more passionately it felt as though I was addicted and needed my fix.

During the kiss he slid his hands down to my waist, as my hands cupped his jaw.

As he was kissing me my movements began to slow, I needed sleep. Bad.
He noticed this and pulled away, I heard him chuckle before he mumbled.

"You're too innocent my angel."

A small giggle escaped my lips before sleep took over.

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