Chapter 15

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Standing by another table, Zach waved his hand towards me. He whispered something to his friends and made his way towards me.

I looked at Enzo quickly and noticed his eyes locked on Zach.

Just great.

A new prey for Enzo.

I got up from my seat as Zach got closer, I step out and briefly hugged him. He smiles joyfully and hugs me back just a tad tighter. As if he felt Enzo's death stare he looked past me and saw Enzo.

"Oh. Zach this is Enzo. Enzo is Eric's older brother." I weakly smiled not knowing who to introduce him as.

Enzo simply nodded his head.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Oh so you're the well know Enzo. Good to meet you. How have you been Lex?" He asked kindly.

"I've been doing really well like so well." He frowned and it quickly turned it into a smirk.

"I heard you gave Ash a good beating? And did the class nerd get suspended??" I gulped.

People are already hearing this?

I gained the courage to smile and look at Enzo who had a raised eyebrow.

"Well yes...for 3 days to be exact, just for resulting to violence first. She was suspend for 1 day."  Zach had his jaw hanging down as I explained him this.

I mean I don't blame him, the school nerd getting suspend. Oh I just don't want to imagine my aunty's face. What will she do? Ground me? Give me more chores or even worse ban Netflix. 

"Well Lex, you've gone into my good girl gone bad books." He joked.

I chuckled and let my gaze drift quickly too Enzo. He was already looking at me not just looking but looking like he wanted to burn me and Zach.

''Well my friends are waiting, we will catch up soon okay.'' He leaned down and did the unthinkable, he kissed my  cheek letting it linger there for a couple of seconds.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

Oh my.

I smiled at him as he left us.

My smile dropped when I looked at Enzo who was now looking irritated.

''A close friend?'' he asked bluntly. I hesitated for a bit but then the event with the waitress came into mind.

I changed my facial expression and let my lips turn into a very wide smile.

'' can say that.'' I slightly chuckled and threw a chip into my mouth, I sat back and watched Enzo as he pushed his plate away got up and walked over to what look like to pay for the bill.

He came back and placed his phone into his slacks and mentioned for me to get up.

Just to make things more worse for Enzo, I quickly glance at Zach and give him a goofy grin and wave, he replies with a cute smile and waves back.

''Hurry up Lexa.'' I shot my gaze at Enzo who had just walked out of the diner.

It's just so frustrating how arrogant he can be! And to top it off he knows how much I hate it when he calls me Lexa, but no matter how many times I tell him its 'Lexi' he just ignores it.

"So, when will you be going back to uh, the city?" I asked randomly as we both sat in his car.

"Well, I have work down here tonight. Possibly tomorrow." He replied back.

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