Chapter 20

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I slowly opened my eyes and yawned.

It was a little blurry so I had to wipe my eyes to get a clear view.

Suddenly my body stiffened as I realised what had happened.

Why was I not dead? Or maybe I am... And this is my heaven ? 

Someone cleared their throat causing me to shoot my gaze in the direction it came from.

From the corner of the very luxurious room, sat a built man in the same looking suit as the guys that had kidnapped m- hold on...

"Someone help meeeeee!" I quickly shouted. The built man started to chuckle.

I wanted to make a run for it but he sat right next to the door.

"You do know no one here is going to help you." He said in a deep manly voice. I looked at the bed I was asleep on and scrambled up.

"Why am I here?" My anxiety was slowly rising. "I did nothing wrong!" I yelled.

The man started to laugh louder, he stood up reached into his slacks and pulled out his phone.

"Yeah she's awake." He hung up and  stood up by the door with his arm behind back. So being the stupid girl I am, I ran towards the door.

I opened it but only to come crashing into a hard chest. Groaning and rubbing my head I quickly took a couple of steps back.

"Well, you sure are a fighter amour." The mans deep accented voice said. I looked up and gasped as I saw him. It was odd because the man looks in his mid 20's I know it's so stupid to be mentioning this but he was actually attractive.

He had dark features. Jet black hair that was slicked back. Well defined cheek bones and a jaw to kill for with a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. But what really caught my eyes was his piercing blue eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I manage to break free from my thoughts.

"Nothing amour. I just wanted to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He chuckled. He said something to the built man in a foreign language and looked back at me.

"Please Lexia, do follow me to my study." I didn't want to of course but by the looks of it this man was dangerous and to prevent getting hurt I had to listen.

I sat on the black leather chair that was in front of the desk, he closed the door after him and swiftly made his way to the opposite side of me. He sat down and crossed his ankle ontop of his knee.

"If your are not here to hurt me, was it really necessary to like drug me?"

The man slightly chuckled. "It was only for confidentially amour. I am truely sorry if it had scared you."

"Scared is an understatement." I sarcastically laughed.

He seemed to study me for a second until I cleared my throat.

''Uh, you know my aunt Rose will literally call in for a missing persons if she doesn't hear from me..."

''We have sorted that out, I mean we did take your phone, hack into it and message your aunt telling her that you went of with a friend ...she did ask alot of questions though in the end she knows you're at some friends house doing some work for the weekend.''

I froze.

The weekend...

''Hang on! You're keeping me here... against my will... for the weekend?! Are you nuts?!'' I exclaimed.

He smirked, ''Yes, you will be my guest amour.''

''Please stop calling me amour and tell me what in the world is going on? Why am I here? I don't know you.'' I tried to slowly take in calm breaths to prevent an anxiety attack.

''We are here to make sure you are safe...'' He finally said.

Is that all I'm getting?

''From what?!'' I quickly jumped up as I heard the door slam open. It was like the couch was on fire because my body instantly stood up.

A very angry looking Enzo was standing in front of the door.

I tried to speak but nothing had come out.

''I told you not to scare her!'' He hissed at the man. He took a couple of steps forward and grabbed my arm pulling me towards the door. The man didn't even bother to move from his postion.

We walked down the long hallway until he had opened a door before leading us in.

It was a library...

He closed the door behind him.

''Are you okay?'' He finally asked.

''A-am I o-okay??'' I stuttered.

Finally words.

"Enzo, I just got kidnapped by 3 men, I was scared for my life and then they drugged me like they do in the movies! I then wake up in some room were in the corner sat HULK!"

I didn't know that I had been stepping closer to Enzo until I was about a step away from him.

''Oh and don't forget the part where that freak inside said that I'm here to stay safe... safe from what Enzo?''

''Are you done yet?'' He replied calmly. He locked the door behind him took my arm again and sat us on the sofa near a large window.

''I will explain everything to you... but just in the mean time I need you to not be scared. I'm here now. Secondly I'm sorry about the way they approached you..'' He placed a strand of hair behind my ear. Here he was, totally calm while I sat here trying my best not to have a panic attack.

''Enzo, please tell me what is going on.'' I softly whisperd.

''Ok... so there are people out there that want to hurt me. I can't tell you why but I can tell you that the reason you're here is so that your safe for the weekned because these bad people have found out about you. In order to hurt me, the are the type to hurt others around me, to make me weak. I got a call from a friend of mine saying that these bad men had been around you're area. So I had told eros to safely bring you here.''

I stiffened the entire time he was explaining this.

There were people after Enzo?

Oh Enzo.

I couldn't imagine the trouble he's got into with that arrogance. I studied his face, his now clean shaven face and his brown eyes darkened.

"Please tell me you're going to be alright?" I softly whispered. His facial expression instantly changed. Instead of looking all unaffected it had changed to somewhat normal, as if he was worried.

"I will be." He looked down at his hands for a seconds and looked back up with that unaffected expression again.

"You will need to stay over night, I have let Rose know you will be with Daisy, and yes I informed Daisy that you'll be with me." I couldn't imagine how Daisy would react to this.

I simply nodded my head daring not to ask anymore since it's been an eventful day.

I knew I was safe.

I had Enzo...

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