Chapter 25

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Enzo's POV
I looked down at her as she was fast asleep, her brows were slightly furrowed and her full lips where pouted. I chuckled at how innocent this girl was, it struck me by surprise how alcohol gave her the confidence to kiss me.

I have to admit, it was good.

But somehow, deep in my dominant intellect and has-a-mind-of-his-own manhood, I didn't take advantage of her, Lexi was different.

After I found out that Lexi was being followed I needed her to stay safe, all this might be a little weird to her but I guess it's the mafia life.

I didn't want her to be involved, but she grew closer to me.

I held her with one arm as the other supported me to get up.

Her legs were hanging loose but I used my hands to wrap them around one side of my waist, like the baby she was, so tiny against me.

I carried her into her room, thankfully she had comfy clothes on, so I gently placed her down onto her bed.

Just as I was about to walk out her hand carelessly reached out to mine as she gripped my fingers softly.

"Stay." she said in the cutest sleepy voice. I couldn't help but smile.

I don't know why I contemplated whether I should leave and sleep in another room or stay, I knew what I wanted to do.

She moaned softly and tugged on my arm again.

How could I deny being in bed with such a pretty lady?

She turned to face the other way as I got into her bed, not once did she let go of my hand. She had her back to my front, which was fucking sexy...

But I needed to be sensible.

My arm slid under her arm as she pulled our hands closer to her tummy.

Are we spooning?

Oh fuck.

We are spooning.

Many girls I've slept with tried to 'spoon' but it never happened. I wasn't into that shit, but right now I can definitely make an exception for Lexi.


As I felt something shifting in front of me my eyes slowly opened, I squinted as the sun hit my face and it fucking hurt.

I heard a silent sniff which brought my attention to what was slightly under my neck, there she was.

In all her cute little fucking glory.

Her arms wrapped around me, her head leaning against my chest and her legs tangled between mine.

I would of woken her up but she looked way too cute like this.

"Ah Lexi, you innocent little girl." I smiled as the words slid off my tongue.

Poor girl was going to wake up with a hangover.

I don't do hangovers unless I really wanted to get fucked up that night.

Lexi suddenly lets out a long continuous groan.

There it is.

That killer headache.

"Shh shh Lexi let me go get you some painkillers." As soon as I was about to get up she held me down and snuggled closer to my side as she then swings her leg over me.

Well this was fucking sexy.

"Come on Lexi, you're head is only going to get worse if you don't take anything..."

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