Chapter 22

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Oh no, I'm stuffed.

This is the day, I Alexia Carrter, am going to die.

He had stormed into the room with the most murderous look on his face.

It was a face many people dreaded to see. I mean, I can't say I don't deserve it but he was the one keeping that secret from Eros.

I quickly stood up and had the courage to smile.

''Enzo, what brings you here?'' I tried to say in a calm voice.

He walked more into the room, closed the door behind him and made sure to lock it. 

I gulped. This was not a good sign,

''What brings me here?'' he almost somewhat growled, I couldn't quite catch the tone in his voice but it sure was eerie.

Eerie enough to make me cringe.

He was clenching his jaw, it was like he was biting back what he was about to say.

As his steps came closer, I took steps back, this doesn't feel good...

"So, uh like are you going to tell me what brings you here?" I croaked.

He slightly raised his brows and stepped closer until the back of my legs hit the bed.

He stopped about a step away, placed his hands into his pockets of those tight slacks and held a very serious expression.

He had done this often, days where I had done somthing to annoy him. And yeah, this usually led me to giving in.

He sighed, "What would you get out of telling Eros that I used to sleep with his sister?"

I gulped quickly, nibbling on my lower lip I looked down trying to find a good reason.

When I looked back up, his gaze met with mine.

"Well, it's his sister Enzo! The poor guy had to know." I had nothing to come up with, but I guess this could do.

He ran his hand over his very tired face.

"I don't have time for this right now." Groaning, he made his way out of the room slamming the door behind him. I slightly jumped from the loud sound.


After being on the phone with aunt Rosey and Daisy I decided to take a bit of a stroll around the massive estate.

I got to see the amazing book filled library, the massive modern kitchen and the backyard, garden and everything else because it was like an adventure.

I hadn't heard from Enzo yet since the abrupt tantrum out of the room.

I was getting bored, I had no one, no way would I want to communicate with Jenna or her bitch of a friend, Eros is too intimidating and well Enzo can just be Enzo.

So that left one person.


Good old Benny, he had this personality where he makes you feel comfortable to be around with.

Walking into the estate I came across one of the maids and asked them where Ben was, they pointed towards the gamers room.

Hmm, sounds productive.

I find that a little funny, because I never would imagine tough looking men like Eros and Ben would love video games.

Entering the room, no, scratch that, warehouse, there was Ben and 2 other guys all playing what looked like battlefield. And yes a girl knows her games thanks.

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