Chapter 37

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"I feel the same. I am confident we can do missions right away." Rena agreed, "I don't get why we need further training... for a whole year!" She added with frustration. 

"Doesn't she know that we are the chosen ones from those whole group of weaklings?" Sarah grumbled.

Vyera seriously didn't know that. Luna didn't mention anything to her. She did brief her on other stuffs like what things she will be taking care of or what mission they will be doing afterwards, but not on this. They had training before they came and was chosen from a group?? That meant there was a test to gather these 5? Was Luna chosen as well? There was silence. Vyera could felt their magic powers wavering. 

They must have realised she was listening behind the door. Vyera went in without saying anything and joined them in the hot bath. Both of them looked at her nervously. Just from that reaction, Vyera knew they did not have much experience in the real battle. 

Everything was just based on the trainings or theories they learnt. If they did, they would not act in such way and would readily confront her. She sighed. "... Well, go on." Vyera urged, "If you don't tell me, I won't know. Act as if I'm not here and continue."

"... You heard everything?" Rena asked.

"Yes." Vyera answered without holding back. If it was not for this, she must be enjoying the hot water right now. It was at a good temperature too. 

"Fine. Then tell us why you need to train us for another year. I am not satisfied with that." Sarah asked. She was the hot-blooded type. 

"... You all lack of experience." Before they could even retorted, Vyera stopped them, "Then let me ask you, how many times have you faced a near-death battle till now?"

They were unable to answer directly but Rena replied eventually, "We have! In training-"

"Training is designed for you to improve. It was not real battle. Even if you think you almost died fighting for this position, I don't believe they will let you be killed. Magic council is too concerned of their status to allow that." Vyera said, "If right now, I say that I'm not Vyera, but someone who  is here to kill both of you, what will you do?"

They were silenced. Again, Vyera sighed at their naivety, "... It's not that I don't trust you. I have full confidence in your abilities. All of you could surpass me in due time, I'm sure of that. But I don't need any unnecessary injuries or even deaths in missions. I need you all to know how to protect yourselves before you protect the others. The world outside is not so kind."

They didn't say anything after that. Vyera excused herself first, leaving the other two there, deep in their own thoughts. Vyera immediately went to sleep afterwards, not wanting to think anymore about this till the next morning.

Everyone assembled at the training hall in the early morning, as agreed. Rena and Sarah obviously could not sleep well after all those talks. Kamui seemed to have a good but lack of sleep. Clave and Zach stayed calm as usual. Luna has not appeared. 

"... Let's not wait for Luna. I seriously hope she is preparing breakfast though." Vyera said to ease the atmosphere but hardly had any impact. They were all either too excited or too nervous for the training.

"Before I start, I want everyone to promise me something." That seemed to wake some of them up, "Show me your true selves. I don't need any acting here. Got it?" Rena and Sarah knew it was addressed to them. The guys hardly understood it but they didn't seem to care about it. They were showing their true selves all along. Only women could use this skill pretty well. 

Vyera brought them out and walked till the edge of the forest, "Okay, for the first session, I want each of you to try and land an attack on me." 

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