Chapter 12

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“… Then let’s hunt down the 3 imposters that are right here among us!” Vyera said with excitement. It has been a while since there was something that could make her so high in spirits.

“H-Hey, but I’m not sure if my intuition is correct or not…” Gray said nervously while eyeing on Erza serious face.

“Actually… me too, though I have some suspects already…” Loke said while scratching his head, scared of being beaten by Erza as well.

Though Natsu was pretty quiet, he couldn’t hide his confused face looking at all of them. So unusual of him not to interrogate anyone roughly already.

“… then… are they… the arrogant whitey, the alcoholic gambler, and the transformer?” Vyera whispered in case the imposters heard it though still using nicknames for precaution.

“Yeah! Yeah!” Gray pointed in agreement and the others nodded, smiling at the same time.

Then Jii-chan came in action, “I’ll take care of this fake, two will guard the entrance and the other three captured the suspects. Ready?”

“W-Wait! I still don’t get it!” Natsu protested, “I have suspicions but-“

“Then guard the entrance so that nobody could go out.” Jii-chan ordered impatiently, “Okay, ready?”

Everyone nodded, “Go.”

And so, Loke and Natsu dashed to the entrance, while Vyera, Erza and Gray dashed to respective suspects. The suspects didn’t have time to react. Three of them just caught them and brought them together to the middle of everyone, where Jii-chan was with the fake.

“…. Ice, Cana and Macao?!” they shouted in shocked.

“… Hey! Hey! Why us?!" Said the fakes in protest when they were gathered in the middle of everyone.

“You guys are 100 years too fast to imitate the Fairy Tail members.” Jii-chan said in pride, responding to them.

“… Too bad for you, I went home beforehand and saw Ice sleeping there. So you are undoubtly a fake.” Vyera said, “Too rare for Ice not to be chasing Happy too.” While Happy and Natsu punched their palms, realising how simple the answer was.

“Cana drinks at least 3 to 4 barrels of beer a day or even more… but you didn’t.” Erza continued in bored tone.

“… For Macao, I’m not sure what’s wrong… but… I just had the feeling that he’s the fake.” Gray said frowning.

“Hey! I'm the real one here!” Macau cried out loud.

Suddenly Lucy came into the scene, “I have a way to find out. Macao-san… How many Balkans do you defeat the first time we met?”

“….” He looked pretty troubled by this question and answered nervously, “… Three?”

“Ok. He’s a fake.” Lucy said happily, “Just to let you know, our guild members are not that weak. When you answer, make sure it is at least 2 digits.” She added.

They still refused to change back to their old self, to hide their true self. No wonder the Magic Council was troubled by them. They were stubborn enough.

“Well… this is your bad luck for choosing Fairy Tail first… We have all kinds of unique people here… You can’t disguise as them without special abilities…” Loke said.

“Your magic powers are totally different from them…I knew the moment I entered the guild.” Vyera said, “Now tell us… Where are they?”

“Don’t worry about Cana and Macao… We found them near the port just now… Drinking happily like nobody's business” The 'Shadow Gear', Fairy Tail’s backbone team, informed the guild.

“Great.” Erza said in relief, “So what are you planning to do by going around and destroying guilds? I should say you did well this far, seeing there are only 4 of you.”

They did not even try to react, let alone replying Erza's question. One more question unanswered from Erza and that's it. They were gone cases. Vyera decided to interfer before that happen.

“… Okay," Vyera gave a sigh, "I don’t want to do this but… if you really don’t want to talk about it; I’ll need to search your memory myself, to the most inner part of it. I hope you don’t mind me looking at all your secrets… including those that are forbidden even amongst you...” Vyera said with quite a threatening tone. She slowly approached the fake Vyera and squatted down in front of her, making both of them at the same eye-height. The other three were just looking anxiously and in fear, unable to move as being held by the members.

“You know what, I can’t differentiate them now…” Elfman scratched his head in confusion, “They look exactly the same to me…” The others nodded in agreement.

“… Aren't they so obviously different?" Gray mumbled in a different type of confusion but apparently nobody heard him.

“… Don’t trick us! You don’t have the ability to do that!!” she suddenly shouted, making quite a surprise to everyone there, "We have done our research on you, thoroughly!"

“Then you are just not searching hard enough.” Vyera replied calmly and slowly release her magic power onto the fakes. They could feel her power, slowly seeping into their bodies. She stopped just a few seconds later and smiled. She began by pointing at the most left one, the one who disguised as Ice, “Keith,” to Cana and the fake her, ”the twins Marie and Maria,” and to the fake Macao,”… and Heinz.”

“That’s… impossible…” Keith said disbelief.

“How do you know our names?!” Heinz shouted rudely at Vyera, as if she was at fault.

“I have no obligation to tell you how I read your memories… I would love to say everything... but I prefer it comes out from your own mouths.” Vyera said, "Now, who you would like to be the storyteller?"

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