Chapter 22

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“How do you know about it?!” Vyera shouted at Sieglein.

He smirked and seemed to be enjoying her glare on him instead, “It doesn’t matter on how I know about it.”

“… Then what are you planning?” She said, still on guard.

“Nothing… I’ve told you, I’m only checking your condition… Since you can still be angry, I guess I don't have to worry…” he said calmly, in his usual arrogant manner.

"... No way. I don't believe you." Vyera said.

“What makes you think that I have something in mind?” He slowly approached her.

“A guy like you has too many things hidden… So I wouldn’t be surprised if you are planning something dangerous.”

He laughed, “You are really interesting. I’m really attracted to you now…” He touched and held her chin up, making Vye glared at him right into his eyes, “Good eyes. I love them.”

Vyera slapped his hand off her, still glaring at him.

“See you again in the near future, Vyera-chan.” He waved before he walked away.

That made her in a bad mood for almost the whole day. She didn’t talk much in the guild or even when they are having fun when Mira said the jobs were available again after the incident. Suddenly, a table just flew off and landed near where she sat. “Take back your words!!” shouted Erza, clearly angry.

Vyera turned around to see Luxus sitting there, in front of Erza. He was the one who made Erza this angry.

“No way. It’s the truth anyway. This guild is looked down upon by a guild such as Phantom. How embarrassing… I can’t face anyone.” he sighed, “This guild doesn’t need weak bastards! Especially you… You! You guys are a disgrace!” he pointed at Levi’s group.

“… That’s too much!” Lucy fought back but Luxus retaliated easily.

“Oh, isn’t this the princess who causes this mess?” He said, making Lucy grew quiet. She still felt guilty over the incident.

“Stop it, Luxus!” Vyera couldn’t stand it anymore, “This matter is closed! Don’t you dare say anything when you were not in the battle field yourself!”

“But if I’m there, I won’t be beaten up so badly.” He mouthed off again.

“Luxus, you bastard!!!” Natsu attacked him first though he missed as Luxus dodged it with lightning based teleportation and hit him as counter, making Natsu flew off a few meters from there.

“You can’t even catch me and you want to attack me head on!? If I succeed this guild, I’ll erase the weak away and build the strongest guild!!”

Vyera immediately grabbed him by neck from behind, “Say that again?” She said calmly though her killing intent was so strong that even Erza took a step back. Her death glare was serious, “I dare you to say it again, Luxus.”

“V-Vyera...” the others called her worriedly, seemingly tried to warn her about something else but were aware of her killing intent.

“Don’t be so impulsive, my dear sister… unless you want to be strike by the lightning.” He concentrated his lightning magic on his hand and ready to attack her at anytime. The moment she saw the flickering lightning on his hand, her grip on his neck weakened. Slowly, Vye started to tremble in fear while still staring at the lightning on his hand.

“I see that your fear on lightning is still there…” He smirked and just flicked his fingers to emit a bit lightning on her body. She lose all her strength and fell sitting on the ground, still shaking in fear while Luxus just walked away while laughing.

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