Chapter 49

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It had already been a week since Luna came and brought the five to see Vyera. They told everyone what had happened. There was also another problem... Zen. 

He was a quiet boy... too quiet for his age. Currently, he was staying with Gray on the same apartment as Vyera's room was empty. What he did was going together with him to the guild and helped out behind the counter with Mira. Although he hardly talked, his cooking was top notch. It was a wonder how a little boy can cook such good stuff.

Other than that, he would sit quietly at the corner and observed everyone silently, giving an opinion once or twice when the topic spiked his interest. But other than that, they knew nothing about him. Sometimes they seen him talking to himself while putting his hand on his left ear. Apparently, he wore an earring as the communication device with the others. That was how they kept in contact.

Not long after they came back, problems arose. The guild was now too small to accommodate for the original number of the members. To get back the original guild size, they needed a large amount of money, which they didn't have.

"... Just go on the Grand Magic Tournament that is coming in 3 months' time." Zen suddenly said out of boredom, voicing his opinion as and when he liked. Nobody got surprised by his actions anymore. 

"Oh yeah! It is that time of the year!" Romeo said excitedly, “With everyone back, we will definitely win this tournament!" 

"It sounds troublesome." Jii-chan said. 

"The grand prize is 30 million Jewels." Zen added uninterested.

Everyone, including Jii-chan, immediately changed their minds and went on their training to prepare for it. They decided to have some spars with the veterans who were 7 years older than them now. 

"Even us, who are stronger than you all now, cannot win it year after year..." They said sadly.

"Stronger than us? Are you sure?" Elfman asked disbelief, "Even if 7 years have passed... That can't be..." 

"Want to try?" 

Of course, the core members lost badly, seeing that they lacked the 7 years’ experience.

"... Too naive." Zen suddenly said during one of their spar sessions. It was when Gray versus Macao, "Macao-san, don't go too easy on him. He needs to know clearly that he will not last with his current level of magic."

"... Macao, that is not your full power?" Gray asked.

"Well, no." He said, "We can't have you all injured too badly before the real thing."

Despite not at full power, Macao won over Gray easily. Gray was utterly defeated no matter how hard he tried, "This is bad..." He muttered to himself.

"Argh! I have had it!" Zen suddenly shouted and ruffled his hair in frustration, "I will be your next opponent." 


"Get ready." Zen said the moment he stepped into the area. He immediately attacked without further warning, making Macao jumped away from his path. Gray was startled but still managed to dodge by a hair width. His speed was amazingly fast. To those not trained, they would not be able to see him at all.

"Wait, Zen!" Gray said, "I don't want to-!!" Before he even finished his sentence, Zen had landed a punch right in the stomach, making Gray hit the tree behind him. He groaned in pain as he tried to get up.

"Is this how you want to save her?!" Zen shouted angrily, "If your resolution is only at this level, I am utterly disappointed to even believe you will be able to save her..." He shouted in frustration, "She doesn't have much time left if we don't do something!!"

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