Chapter 6

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"... Lekya??" Lucy and the others were questioning what this Lekya was. They, for sure, did not hear this name before.

"... But... It can't be..." Vyera, on the other hand, seemed to know a great deal about it and as deep in thought.

"What is Lekya, Vye-chan?!" Natsu asked.

"... Lekya is... a type of monster with magic power to take over the mind and body of humans, especially mages... But, it is said to be extinct 10 years ago. No one sighted it for the past years."

"... But it appears, here, in this town..." Mayor said with fear, "It was definitely Lekya... We are not sure what it wants but... it appeared when we played 'Mori no Uta' for the first time. Since then we had tried to play it several times outside the town, which ended up... ..."

Without saying further, all of you knew that there were people injured by Lekya.

"... Has it taken over any humans or mages?" Vyera asked.

"... We don't know." Mayor shook his head, "Since there were injuries, we stopped playing that song... However, that song is this town masterpiece! We can't afford to lose it... Songs are our lives... That song will bring this town alive again..."

"Did it use any magic?" Lucy asked. It looked like Lucy seemed to have remember something about this Lekya.

"So far, it didn't... This Lekya has a size of a house, a brute strength... As long as we didn't play the song, it won't attack or even come..."

Before anyone could ask another important thing, Teresa said something in fear, "The last attacked..." She said, while sobbing, "It said... something..."

"What did it say??" Ice asked hurriedly.

"Just... a word... a name..." she was still sobbing. "I'm... not sure... whether I should... say it..."

Vyera finally looked directly at Teresa. It just came to her as if it was normal, "Is it... my name?"

Teresa sobbed even harder, which confirmed that the answer Vyera gave was correct. Why would a monster, which was supposed to be extinct, appeared out of nowhere in this town and moreover, looking for her??

"So... that was what happened..." a familiar voice was heard from the nearest tree, "Why didn't you tell me this??" Priscilla asked. Gray and Loke were behind her; succeed in making her stay to hear Teresa's reasoning without her knowing.

"... Pris... Sorry... I'm-"

"It's okay... Sorry to yell at you too..." she hugged her, "Let's get back to the town first. We'll discuss this once you settle down..."

Vyera let three of them, Mayor, Priscilla and Teresa, went back to the town first. However, before they went out of the sight, she asked the last question. "Mind telling me what the colour of Lekya is??"

"... Black." The Mayor answered.

"Thank you." She replied. The seven of them decided to stay behind to discuss this problem further, even though they didn't really catch what Vyera meant by that last question.

"Vyera..." Lucy started, "What does this entire thing mean?? I don't get it."

"... Mori no Uta, Lekya and myself... These three facts are the cause of the problem..."

"First of all, Why did Lekya appear so suddenly while it was supposed to be extinct??" Lucy started.

"Second," Loke continued, "Why does Lekya only react to 'Mori no Uta'?"

"... Last, why does it searching for Vye?" Gray ended the questioning.

Natsu couldn't calm down, "I'll just beat the crap out of it when it comes again!!!" with fire coming out from his mouth.

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