Chapter 10

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“Am I right, Vye- No, Secret Inspection Mage of Magic Council?” He smirked.

Vyera replied without showing any sign of interest to his offer, “Too bad but I’ll never work under you, Sieg. Anyway Urtear is always beside you right?”

“You know what? I think I’ll like you more than her…” Sieglein replied with his usual confident voice and he did not seem to be joking either.

“So… How is the report, Shitou-Jii-san?” Vyera totally ignored him and turned her attention to the older one. He was Jii-chan’s old friend. They have met before when he came to visit Fairy Tail.

“No problem. You can go now. Thanks for the hard work, Vye. We’ll tell you again if we need you.” He said happily and kept the documents in his bag.

“Sure, you’re welcome. I’ll leave now then.” Vyera replied with a smile and got up from her seat withot even looking at Sieg. She left them there, though Sieg managed to whisper something to her before she left the table, “I’m serious.”

She paid little attention to it. Once outside, she felt relieved after leaving that dark bar and basked in the sunlight.

“Mhmm… Clover is where Jii-chan has his meeting right? I’ll pay a visit before I catch up with Erza…” She told herself and headed to the outskirt of the town to find the usual building the geezers had their meeting.

She went up to the second floor of the building and heard all the laughter and chatter of the guild masters. She went in, apparently on the same time when Jii-chan said, “Uhyohyo, I want to be smashed into smithereens by Lucy’s boobs~”

When she heard that, she immediately went towards Jii-chan and smacked his head.
“Sorry to interrupt your pervert-ness, Jii-chan.” She said that angrily and greeted the other guild masters politely, “I’m Vyera, from Fairy Tail.”

“Oh~ the Dancing Diva…” Everyone said in awe.

Looks like the masters knew her from rumors, and Jii-chan was bragging on how pretty she wase when she danced. He was clearly drunk with his face all red. Not long after that, a letter from Mira came, saying about Natsu, Gray and Erza forming team that might be the strongest team in Fairy Tail. Jii-chan fainted upon hearing that, realizing that a town might really disappear if they teamed up.

“H-Hey, Jii-chan?” she picked him up and made him sat on her lap.

“Vye! Please, stop them from doing something stupid!!” he pleaded

“Okay, okay… I planned to catch up with them after all…” she said, “Erza asked me to go with them…”

“Then go now.” He ordered.

“Rogert.” She obeyed, put him on the table and went towards the door. “See you all again, guild masters.” She said politely then left the building.

She used her wind magic to make her float in the air and headed towards station. That way it would be faster than going by the normal way. She remembered Erza said something about Onibas station, so she would head there for a time being.

But when she passed by the Clover station, there was a big commotion. All the people were crowding outside the station and seemed to be prohibited from going in. She landed nearby and asked somebody there, “Hey, what’s wrong here? Why isn’t the train moving?”

“Kunugi Station has been taken over by a dark guild! I heard they planned to use some curse to mass-murder everyone there!”

“What?!” Vyera did not expect this news and immediately used her wind magic to fly to Kunugi station as fast as she could.

Upon following the train lane as the guide, she saw someone flying as well and his body wrapped in tornado. Definitely a wind magic user. With another guy full of fire on the train track, who no doubt was Natsu. But when Vyera approached, the tornado guy was already fainted and his tornado was dissolving. Looks like Natsu had beaten him up.

“Natsu!” She called, “What the hell are you doing here?” She landed beside him gracefully.

He was full of bruises and cuts. She immediately used her healing magic to heal his wounds, while he explained that this tornado guy was Eligor, from Eisenwald guild and heading to Clover to use the Lullaby, mass-murder magic, on the guild masters. It was the creepy flute of three-eyed skull that lied not far from there.

Vyera's healing magic was basically just transferring part of her magic into their body, which helps in increasing the body's healing abilities. She learnt from Polyshuko but this was the only healing magic she was good at. Not long after that, the others arrived on a wagon-like (magical four-wheeled) vehicle. “Natsu!” shouted Lucy.

“Hey guys,” she greeted, “Looks like I don’t need to worry anything?”

“Well done, Natsu…” Erza said, though she seemed to lose a lot of magic power on the vehicle. She was sweating a lot.

“Hey, Erza, come here a sec…” Vyera called and put her hand on Erza's chest, using her healing power to restore her magic power, “It’s rare to see you in this state…”

But something unexpected happened. Another guy, whom Vyera believed to be the one called Kage from Eisenwald, ran away with the Lullaby on the magical four-wheeled vehicle.

“The flute… The Lullaby is in my hand now!! I’m going to kill the masters!!” he shouted towards them, as if he had won the battle and sped up towards Clover, leaving the gang behind.

“Bastard!! We’re going after him!!” Erza said immediately and ran without any further notice.

“… Let me get a chance in this?” Vyera offered and used her wind magic once again to lift everyone up and flew there. The speed decreased because this time there were quite a number of them, but it was still faster than taking normal train. They arrived at the guild meeting place a little bit slower than Kage.


They found Kage was talking with Jii-chan, and seemed that Jii-chan allowed him to play the flute.The gang landed near there but was stopped by other guild masters before they managed to warn Jii-chan. However, Vyera was not worried about that. Jii-chan was not someone who could be tricked easily. Everyone believed in him.

Vyera was more concerned about the flute. There was something wrong with it. She had sensed it since the first time she spotted it. The flute had the evil power like a demon; or rather it was like the demon itself.

Indeed, after everything was settled with Kage, thanks to Jii-chan’s splendid words, the flute started to give out black smoke and gave a sinister laugh, “I can’t wait any longer!!” the flute turned into a big monster. “I’ll eat all of your souls!!”

“WAAAH!! MONSTER!!!” all of them shouted in shocked and fear, of course, except those that expected it.

“Hey! Are souls edible?! Are they nice?!” Natsu asked around, didn’t look like he’s joking though.

“You still have time to think of that, you shitty flame!!” Gray shouted at him.

“… Which one should I eat first… … I can’t decide so I’ll eat all of you at once!!!” he opened his mouth, gathering magic power.

“Oh no! The Lullaby!” Lucy screamed.

But Natsu, Gray, Erza and Vyera dashed towards the demon. Erza’s magic, ex-quip her armor into the form of ‘The Knight’ and slashed its right leg, while Vyera formed a white silver sword called Argent and slashed its left leg to stop its movement. Gray and Natsu hit it with their ice and flame magic. Erza finally put the finishing touch using her ‘Black Wing Armor’.

“Vyera! Now!!”

“Ο κυβερνήτης του υπόκοσμου... ο Θεός του θανάτου... Απελευθερώστε την οργή σας και δεσμεύστε αυτό το κακό με την αλυσίδα τιμωρίας σας... Σφραγίστε τη δύναμή του για την αιωνιότητα. Hades!”

[Translation => the ruler of the underworld… the god of death… Release your wrath and bind this evil with your chain of punishment… Seal its power for eternity. Hades!]

Thus, as what she chanted, the chains appeared from the ground and bind it. It transformed into a flute again, sealed by the chains. It was trying to free itself but no avail. Hades' chains were unbreakable.

“Excellent.” Jii-chan praised and satisfied to see their teamwork.

“This is… Fairy Tail’s strongest team…”

“Incredible… That devil of Zeref’s magic was beaten so easily,” said the other masters in awe.


“A dark mage from several hundred years ago, the most atrocious mage in the history of magic… this devil is the lullaby itself, a living magic,” explained one of the masters there.

“Hey! That magic you’re using to seal it… what magic is that?” some of them asked Vyera.

“… My magic is the nature itself… Since death is one of the elements in the cycle of nature, I can use some spells related to the nature, by saying the gods’ names.”

“I remember now.” shouted Bob, the Blue Pegasus Guild master, “Vyera the Gaia… That’s your nickname right?” he said in a girly way.

Vyera gave him a smile, while some of them wondered what Gaia meant.

“… Gaia, the goddess of the earth… This name is given to Vyera because she controlled the elements of earth.” explained Goldmine, the Quatro Cerberus Guild master. “But we really owe Fairy Tail one this time.”

Jii-chan laughed in proud but soon turned pale and silently tried to escape. Everyone turned and gasped to see the whole regular meeting site was destroyed thanks to the battle.

“The regular meeting site… was crumbled to dust?!?! Get them!!!”

All Fairy Tail members ran away upon hearing that. “We are really sorry, Master. We have disgraced you…” Erza apologized.

“It’s all right... I doubt they will invite me again anyway…” Master said, laughing nervously.

All of them got back to Magnolia town and took a day rest. Once Vyera was at home with Ice and Gray, her chest started to hurt again.

“Ugh…” It was more painful than before though it was gone as soon as it came, again

“Vye!” Gray asked worriedly, “Again?”

“… Yeah, but it’s gone… again…”

He seemed to spot something and removed Vyera's hand from her chest, lightly but hastily. But there was nothing there. However, Gray was sure he saw something like a demon's face just a second ago.


“… No, nothing… Just my imagination… Rest up for today. That spell used a lot of magic power right?” he said. He knew everything about her, every single thing.

Vyera nodded. In fact, she was really tired and fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. The next morning she was awaken by another sudden pain on her chest, though again it’s gone in a split second.

“Geeez… Why does it suddenly happen? And it's getting more often now...” She grumbled, irritated to the pain.

She went to bath and changed out her pyjamas. Then she heard a knock at the door.

“Yeah… Come in.” She answered to the knock.

The door was opened; it was Ice. “I’m home.”

“Welcome home… How was it at Lucy’s house?”

“It was great though I like it here better…” he said, got onto her bed and crawled there.

“It’s a pleasure to hear that…” Vyera replied with a smile.

He kept quiet for a while, thinking then said, “… Hey Vye, shouldn’t you get going already?”

“To?” Vyera asked, had no clue what he was talking about.

“… Oh yeah… you didn’t know about it… Today is the rematch between Erza and Natsu… Anyway, Master requests that you arrive there before they start.”

“Are you serious?!” She said in shock, “They will destroy the entire town!”

“That’s why Master needs you… Go already. I’m not going, but help me place a bet on Erza’s win.” He said, throwing his money to her.

“You money-minded evil…” She replied and headed to the guild directly.

Indeed, there was a commotion in front of the guild. Cana was squatting in front of the entrance with a board behind her. She shouted, “Place your bet on today’s match!! Erza the Titania VS Natsu the Salamander!!”

“Oh man… Hey, Cana, Ice placed a bet on Erza.”

“No problem!” she took the money and wrote another line on the board.

She sighed, “Jii-chan…” She spotted him around the crowds, and asked “What do you want me to do?”

“Ah, Vye, please put a transparent barrier between them. Or else, everyone will be in danger.” He said casually, or rather quite excitedly.

“Alright, alright… … Undine.” She chanted and a round hemi-sphere made out of water appeared in front of the guild. The size was more than enough for a match. “Will this do?”

“Yep, great. We can now watch the fight without worrying about damages.”

Not long after that, Erza and Natsu were ready and went into the water hemi-sphere. Gray also arrived with Lucy.

“Vyera!” Lucy called, “You should stop them!!” she pleaded

“Don’t worry about them… They’ll be fine, only bruises and some broken bones maybe?” She said, laughing, "I'm more worried about the town if my barrier is to be broken..." Vyera said.

“B-But if two from the strongest team fight-“

“Strongest team? What are you talking about?” Gray asked

“You, Natsu, Erza and Vyera are the strongest in Fairy Tail right??” Lucy said.

Vyera chuckled, “Its nonsense, Lucy… Who told you about that?” She said while realizing it was Mira since she was already sniffing behind, “Mira! I told you not to raise misunderstanding anymore!!” She shouted at her, quite irritated.

“I thought the four of you would get along like before again…” she sobbed, though it was clearly not real.

“There are much stronger guys in Fairy Tail… But I agree that Erza and Vyera are the strongest females though it’s unknown who are stronger between them.” Levi said.

“For males, there are Luxus, Mystogan, and not to forget that ‘geezer’…”

“… Hmm… probably I should challenge Erza once in a while to determine what Levi said…” Vyera seriously gave that a thought.

“Are you serious?! I’ll have difficulty in placing bet!” Jet and Droy said in unison.

“Anyway, this will be an interesting battle… I have better concentrated on the barrier or all of us will flood the hospital at the end of the day.” Vyera joked.

Everyone sweated dropped. “We’re really counting on you here, Vye-chan! Don’t play around!”

“Oh, it’s started.” Vyera ignored them and pointed towards the two that were going to battle.

The fight was really superb. Both were giving their all without holding back. Even Erza took Natsu’s challenge seriously by using her ‘Flame Emperor’s Armor’ which was fire-resistant. But before the winner was decided, there was an interruption.

“Great match.” Someone clapped, “But please stop it right away. I’m a messenger from the council.” said a frog-like creature, quite old.

Vyera undo the barrier, “Council?”

“With charges of damaging property and several other crimes due to the Eisenwald’s incident the other day, Erza Scarlet and Vyera Phoenix will now be put under arrest.”


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