Chapter 14

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Shorei's Message:
I'm going to use Vyera or Vye along the story. So bear with me if it is not consistent.

Story continues:
"What??" Erza replied, shocked at Vye's retort.

"As what you have heard, it is disappointing to see you like this, Erza..." Vye said, "Which Fairy Tail mage will tie up her own nakama like this??"

Vyera hit the mark. She couldn't find a suitable reply for this and could only gritted her teeth in anger.

"Well... it doesn’t matter since they broke some rules... They need punishment." Vye said regrettably, "But... I'm not going to stay quiet if you are going to disgrace Jii-chan and Fairy Tail's names." Vyera glared at her.

"... Base on what evidence that I'll disgrace Master and Fairy Tail's names?!" Erza retorted back, couldn't stand the insult any longer.

"Abandoning the mission." Vyera said without any doubt, "Do you like it when our guild is said to be a coward and can only run away when the situation become dangerous??"

Erza was shaking in anger. She ex-quipped her sword and pointed it at Vye, directly at her face. But before Vye could say anything, Gray backed her up. He grabbed Erza’s sword and pushed it down with his strength.

“Do whatever you want to do... isn’t that Fairy Tail’s motto?” He snapped, “That’s what we have chosen. Slash us down now if you want, we’ll still do what we’ve to do.”

He pushed away the sword that was now full of his blood and pulled Vye out of the tent together with him. She followed him along, while healing his hand along the way to the ruins.

“You’re cool, Gray…” Vye said while still holding his bloodied hand, “I’m sure Erza was surprised.”

“Hee... Now that I think about it, I was very brave, huh?”

Vye heard some footsteps and was completely sure it was Erza, Lucy and Happy catching up with them after being provoked. Erza will now allow what Vye have just said to happen. She has too high of a pride for that.

On the way there, Vye could feel a familiar magic power nearby. It was a magic power that she hasn't felt for quite a while. To tell the truth, she didn't want to feel it, considering that person was not her favourite to meet.

“Vye?” Gray called when Vyera stopped half way, "What's wrong?"

“Gray, go ahead. There’s someone I need to meet before joining with you.”


Vyera gave him a silent sign. He understood it. It’s someone from the Council.

“I’ll give you my full report on everything once this is over.” Vye said while she jumped up to a tree.

“Be careful!” he shouted while the others finally caught up with him.

Vye used her wind magic and speed up the jumping across the trees towards the source of the magic power. She headed to the east of the original destination. Her sense of magic power had become sharper these few days, though she was unaware of the reason. She could differentiate people’s magic power better than usual and sensed them from further distance compared to before.

Vyera was getting nearer to the owner of the power. She spotted her standing on a branch of a tree near the ruins. She stopped just beside her, although she was not all that surprised. Her appearance had totally changed thanks to the transformation magic. She became a short guy wearing weird voodoo mask.

“… What are you doing here?” Vye asked directly. “You shouldn’t be here in the first place.”

“… Do I know you?” she said, feigning ignorance.

“I know it’s you… Have you forgotten about my ability, Urtear?”

He scratched his head, “I guess I can’t deceive you… when you can differentiate people’s magic power.”

“Why are you here? Depends on your answer, I might report this to the Council.” Vyera said while grinning at her. Urtear should know Vye did not like her that much, which was why Vye will happily report her to the Council.

“You should know about the monster Deliora, right?”

“Yeah, and?”

“… The ice sealing it… was my mother.” She said with a sad tone.

“So… It’s true then… Ur was connected to you…” Vyera didn't sound at all surprised since she had guessed it since long ago.

“… You know that woman?” She asked back, without the sad tone now.

Vyera thought that was rude of her to call her own mother 'that woman' before she decided to reply, “My comrade told me about her…”

“… I see... Well, that’s all I’m here for... while disguising.” She said nonchalantly.

“Are you sure you are here for your mother… or for Deliora?” Vyera sensed something fishy behind all this. This might be one of Sieg’s crazy plans. After all, Urtear was loyal to Sieg, or so it seemed.

“I have no obligation to tell you more. I have to go. See you.” She jumped from branch to branch towards the ruins.

“Wait--” Vyera's movement was stopped by the sudden pain on her chest again. The pain was more bearable now, considering it has been quite a few times this had happened. But Vyera wondered about something, "Why… The pain… is spreading to my left arm??”

She was shocked. The pain was getting worse and the blood veins on her arm were showing up clearly, as if they were going to burst due to too much blood in it. She grabbed your arm tightly, trying to fight off the pain. The blood veins reacted more violently.

*Please! Stop! I can't afford to faint this time!” She pleaded against the pain. The seizure slowly weakened and eventually gone. Vyera caught her breath again. She almost forgot to breathe in such a time, “Now… I’ll need to go after Urtear.”

She entered the ruins, trying to sense the magic power along the way. Gray’s power had met up with a new power, which she guessed was Lyon while Natsu was going after Urtear towards Deliora. Erza and Lucy along with Happy were heading to the top of the ruins to stop the moondrip’s.

Vyera decided to go after Urtear towards Deliora. There must be something there that made her come in disguise. She jumped from tree to tree towards the ruins and head to the underground where Deliora was located. Natsu was fighting with Urtear, who he thought was a man. However, at the same time, Deliora’s ice was melting. It looks like the last moondrip’s was done. They arrived too late.

At the same time, Gray and the others arrived there as well. He was shocked to see Deliora’s revival.

“Impossible…” He stood there, trembling, without averting his eyes from the giant monster. The whole cave was shook by Deliora’s roar. The rocks were falling down because of the tremor. “… There’s no other choice…” Gray mumbled. He put on the stance for a spell, which Vye believed to be a very dangerous spell, looking at Gray’s face. She immediately went forward to stop him but at that moment, she believed that she will be too late to stop him. However, Natsu was near him and give him a good punch in an attempt to stop him.

Gray looked at him with angry and disbelief eyes, “What the hell are you doing?! There’s no other way to-“

“I stopped you earlier because I don’t want you to die… Don’t you get it?” Natsu said calmly.

Gray was speechless, “And besides…” Natsu continued and turned to Vyera. She approached them.

“Gray…” She called softly, trying to hold back her tears.

“… Vye.”

She gave him a good slap and looked at him with teary eyes, “Please think before you act next time… I… I don’t know what to do if something happens to you…”

He looked down, “I’m sorry…”

“Don’t worry about Deliora…” Vye said, wiping her tears before they managed to fall down.


“… Deliora was long dead.” Vye continued, “Its magic power has completely gone without a trace.”

As she finished her sentence, Deliora’s body crumbled into piece, as if it was a fragile rock in the first place.

“… Ur is a great mage.” Vyera said, hugging Gray who couldn’t stop his tears from flowing. She knew his feeling of admiration and gratefulness towards Ur. After all, she was the one who defeated Deliora, the monster who killed Gray’s parents and destroyed his hometown.

“I can’t surpass her…” Lyon had regretted his actions as well.

All of them were beat up. They went out from the underground of the ruins towards the beach. The ice melted flowed into the ocean.

There was a warm feeling flowing into Vye. It was from the melted ice. As the soft blowing wind touched her face, she heard a voice, a woman voice.

… I’ll leave him to you…

“… Ur.” She realised. She could see her shadow flowing along with the water towards to vast ocean. “… Yes. Don’t worry.” Vyera could see her smile before she vanished.

Gray helped Lyon and rested a bit at the beachside.

“Finally we finished our S-class quest!!” Natsu jumped around happily with Happy.

“Does that mean we can go to the second floor now?!” Lucy also added happily, before feeling a death glare towards them from afar, making them trembled and remembered the punishment they’re going to receive from the discipline mistress.

“This quest is not over yet.” Erza said, “I don’t think there’s any connection between Deliora and the curse on the villagers.”

“But Deliora died. So the villagers…” Lucy said timidly, hoping she didn't say anything wrong.

“Deliora isn’t the cause of the curse. There’s no way the curse will revert if it died. Besides, it’s the moondrip’s power that harmed the people.”

“… Then how are we going to change back their appearances?”

All of the eyes looked at Lyon who was leaning against nearby rock.

“I don’t know.” He replied simply.


“There’s no connection between us and the villagers from the moment we stepped in this island. Anyway, I have some doubts on the effect of the moondrip’s on human body.” He answered.

“Based on what do you say that assumption?” Vye asked.

“We’re also basked under the same light for 3 years but there’s nothing happened to us.” He continued.

“… Hey, Erza… is it…” Vyera called, getting the sources of the problems.

“That’s what I thought as well. But let’s confirm it first.” Erza replied. Even after all the argument they had, they could still understand each other very well. There was no doubt they would make the best partner.

All of them went back to the village, leaving Lyon and his men at the ruins. It wouldn't be good if the villagers saw the bad guy in their village.

However, there was no one in the storage place. Someone came running informing them to go back to the village immediately. The village that was destroyed completely last time became normal again. Vyera was sure it was Urtear who did that. After all she was the one with the “Lost Magic” that could reverse things back to the way they were before being destroyed.

“Mages!! When are you going to destroy the moon?!” The Mayor appeared and asked without warning.

“Before that, mind gathering everyone here? We want to ask several questions before we destroy the moon…” Erza requested.

After gathering the villagers, Erza and Vyera started asking them questions while Lucy and the others observing them.

“… Okay, first, your appearance changed when the purple moon is out, right?” They started.

“Yes…” answered the villagers in unison.

“And that started 3 years ago, am I right?” Erza continued.

“Yes, that’s correct…” again, answered in unison.

“… The ritual started 3 years ago as well and the most suspicious place is the ruins with the lights from the moondrip’s everyday…” Vyera continued and Erza shot them a question, “Why didn’t you go and investigate that place?”

“… Because we can’t get near to the ruins no matter what we try…”

“We always ended up in the entrance of village whenever we went near the ruins.” protested the villagers to prove that they did do something about this situation.

“… So it’s correct.” Vyera and Erza said in unison.

“Natsu, come.” Erza ordered, “We are going to destroy the moon.” She changed to her armor to “The Giant’s Armor” and with the “Evil Crushing” spear.

Erza threw the spear towards the moon with Natsu’s additional boost on it. The truth was the island was covered in an evil layer made by the moondrip. Their real appearance was demons, not humans. The layer only affected the demons’ memory, that’s why Lyon’s and the others were not affected. Moreover, demons couldn’t get near to the ruins as the ruins hold the holy light that repelled the demons.

Itt all ended in peace anyway. But sadly, Lucy and the others didn’t get the money rewards since Erza, with her disciplinary principle, rejected the rewards in a friendly way but accepted the stellar spirit gold key instead.

So, after parting with those kind-hearted demons in the cursed island, all of them went back to Magnolia town, towards the guild. On the ship, you told Gray everything on the deck without anyone else listening. He didn’t say anything at first. Then he asked, “How’s your left arm?”

“… It’s fine. It’s just that if I try to grab something or form a fist, it has no strength at all. It’s a bit numb too…” Vyera tried moving her hand.

“You have better told Jii-san about this… He might know something.” Gray suggested.

“I was thinking of doing that too…”

Arrived at the town, most of the people whispered as they walked pass there. There was something happened to the guild. All of them stood there in shock looking at the guild that was destroyed by some long big iron poles poking out from all sides of the guild.

"Who dared to do this?!" Lucy exclaimed.

Vyera was shocked. This was too much. She couldn’t even measure her own anger. She tried her best to hold herself from losing control.

“It’s Phantom… We’re done in.” Mira explained as she appeared from the side, She guided everyone to the guild’s basement since the first floor was wrecked so badly.

“Hey! It’s Erza and the gang.” Someone informed the rest of the members.

Everyone was pretty pissed with this attack. But luckily no one was hurt since it was a surprise attack at night where no one was at the guild. Jii-chan was pretty carefree about this matter and didn’t seem angry about it. Though Vyera and Erza understood his feelings well. He was angry but he couldn’t risk the lives of everyone in this. The Magic Council forbade fights between guilds.

“… There is nothing we could do about it. We have no choice but to bear with this.” Someone said in a form that nobody have seen for so long.

“Who are you?” asked Lucy blankly. She had never seen him in the guild before. He was someone with silver hair and wearing a white kimono with... cat ears?

“… Oh, you don’t know this form. I’m-“

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