Chapter 16

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While planning on how to counter attack, the whole guild was still in a mess. Jii-chan was still unconscious. Mystogan, Gildartz, and Luxus were not there. Mira tried to contact Luxus to ask for help, but as usual, he was a bastard that only cared about himself. So it was a futile effort. Everyone had to fight with the remaining forces.

Lucy was still shocked and blaming herself for all the damages, since she was the one targeted by Phantom at the request from her father.

Vyera approached her. She looked pale and guilty. “Still worried?” She asked.

“…I’m sorry. It’s my fault… If I’m not here…” Lucy said with a guilty tone.

“You are part of us, Lucy. Phantom is the one at fault.” She assured her.

“Why are you hiding your status anyway?” Happy asked, suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Lucy was hesitant for a while before saying, “I wasn’t so much of hiding it, but I ran away from home… So I don’t feel like talking about it.” She said, “My father doesn’t even care when I ran away from home and now he wants me back using brute forces? He’s horrible… I shouldn’t have run away from home in the first place…”

“No… You made the right choice, Lucy.” Vye said, “I don’t see a reason to stay in a place you don’t even like…”

“Yup. You are more suited to be in this dirty bar and laughing happily with us without worrying about status.” Natsu added, “This is your home and you are Lucy from Fairy Tail.”

Everyone smiled to her indicating that they did not blame her at all. She was their comrade and it was a blessing to have her here. She was touched and was going to cry any seconds.

“Hey, hey, don’t cry. It doesn’t suit you.” Gray said, troubled without any reason.

Vyera wanted to tell Lucy something very important and felt like this was the right time, “Hey, Lucy… Actually I-“

Vyera was cut off by the sudden pain that pierced her chest again. This time, it was unbearable and it just wouldn’t go away immediately. The strength of her arms and legs went away as well. She collapsed on the ground holding her chest in pain. Her breathing was uneven again. She could feel her breath was getting shorter and shorter. Her precious air was slowly stolen and was returned with the terrible pain.




Everyone noticed what had happened and came over worriedly. Gray was the nearest to her and quickly carried her to one of the table. Her vision blurred and she could only make out some voices. Her chest still hurt a lot and didn’t seem that the pain would end shortly.

Gray touched your forehead, “She has a high fever! Mira-chan!”

“Got it!” Mira immediately went over to the counter to get some ice. But at the same time, there was a disturbance outside. Everyone went outside to see what’s happening, except Gray and Mira who looked after Vyera. Gray noticed something shiny fell on her neck. It was the golden key of the zodiac that her Master gave her.

He took it off from her neck, slowly suspecting that this key might be the cause of her pain. The pain started since this key appeared. He decided to put it together with his cross necklace for the time being, hoping her pain will ease.

“… It’s Phantom!” shouted someone from outside, “The guild… is walking!”

It was hard to believe but Phantom’s headquarter could be moved as 6 artificial legs were attached to it. There should be magic power controlling those 6 legs. Vyera couldn’t move even though she wanted to join them in battle. Her strength was leaving her as the pain came.

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