Chapter 40

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Luna gladly said, "Roger that, Boss. I will see you all at the dining room later. Good luck." She smiled and went back ahead to the residence.5 of them get into their stances, with Rena and Clave stood further behind. The other three attacked at the same time. With Sarah's 2 shadows and Rena's vines, it was like 8 vs 1. Clave went into hiding and started his spell. At least he took Vyera's advice seriously.

Vyera finally had to get really serious. They did not give her anytime to rest or catch her breath. After the vines, come the shadows, then Kamui, Sarah and Zach. Just dodging them was already a handful to her. She then summoned another sword on her left hand, a jet black one this time. This was the sword Wendy bought for her during their adventure in Edoras. The rest jumped back in anticipation.

"Boss... You are ambidextrous?" Zach asked excitedly.

"I never say I wasnt." Vyera said, "The cursed sword, Noir. Be happy about it, not even my guild mates knew about me being dual wielder. This is my first time using it in real battle."

That sentence got them fired up. Vyera still could not let her guard down but she could anticipate their attacks now with 2 swords. What's make her wondering was that Clave hadnt made his moves yet. After a while, Vyera managed to defeat the 2 shadows. Rena's attack was slowing down. Sarah too.

Vyera detected a sudden increase in magic power flow at the forest behind. It was Clave. He had finished his spell. Indeed, their surroundings changed in an instant. What appeared freaked out all the girls. Even the guys felt that it was disgusting. Hundreds of various bugs as big as a dog appeared. It filled up the previously green field into a complete bug nests. Some of them were even slimey. The scene made Vyera turned pale at once. She hated bugs the most in this whole world. If she could, she would wish for all bugs to be eradicated from this world.

"That Clave, this is too much..." Kamui said with disgust, "I know he likes bugs but there is no need for this."

"I agree." Zach nodded while avoiding touching the bugs.

The girls were already in tears. Vyera could not even move. The bugs started moving towards her all at once and unconsciously, Vyera let out her wings and flew up. She had been training it for a while now and she could get it out freely.

"Thats unfair, Boss! You can’t fly!" Kamui said.

"I dont want to!" Vyera retorted in anger, "Get rid of those bugs!" She was already on verge of crying.

What made it worse, Clave increased his magic again and the bugs suddenly spurted wings out from inside their shells. Vyera cannot stand this anymore, even the girls were already screaming, "No! Get rid of them!" She cried, really wanting to stop this nightmare.

That caused her magic to run amok. Unconsciously, she released her wind and fire magic and burned the whole ground with those bugs in it, including those which were flying. It was not full power but the combination of wind and fire were just too strong.

"Oi! Clave! Stop it! Boss is killing us all at this rate!" Kamui shouted in desperation.

Clave seemed reluctant to make it disappear but the fire was getting worse. He had no choice but to undo his illusion. Once they disappeared, Vyera finally calmed down and stopped all her magic. She put out the fire by summoning the water from the ground.

After all was done, she landed on the ground, her wings automatically disappeared and sat on the floor, strengthless. Her eyes were still full of tears. While trying to wipe off, she asked Rena to regrow the grass that was gone due to the fire. Rena did it splendidly and it was as if nothing happened at all. The thought of the bugs still make Vyera's tears flow.

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