Chapter 48

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- 7 years since the Tenrou incident -

The sudden appearance of the missing Fairy Tail members shocked the whole magic world. After 7 long years, they managed to detect magic presences at the Tenrou location. As they approached the place, the whole island appeared again.

It was protected by Fairy Tail's first Master, Mavis Vermillion, using the magic Fairy Sphere. Everyone else inside was safe and alive, only their time were stopped at 7 years ago. They didn't age at all. Despite that, the members were all back. It was exactly like before, rowdy, reckless Fairy Tail.

"But it’s like a dream... If only Vye is here right now..." Jet said while wiping off his tears and snot. But then he realized, he shouldn't have said that. It was supposed to be kept within themselves.

"Now that you said it... Where is she? Is she still with the Council?" Gray asked, looking around, trying to find his beloved.

The whole guild was silence. Heavy atmosphere was in the air. Gray sensed something was wrong. Not only him but all the members that came back from Tenrou sensed it. Something had happened to Vyera.

"Where is Vye? Did something happen to her?" Gray asked. Again, it was silence, "Answer me!" He shouted desperately.

"... She went missing in a SS-rank mission a year ago. She had never been found." Macao said with grief, "That is all we know."

"That can't be..." Gray said with disbelief, "... Why... Why is it always like this...?” He said, tears started to form in his eyes.

'... Finally its connected!' Suddenly a voice said. It was not a voice from any of the Fairy Tail members.

"Who is that?!" Erza asked warily, "Show yourself!" She ex-quipped her blade immediately.

'Is Gray-san there? It's me, Luna.'

They focused again on the source of the voice. It came from behind the counter. A communication sphere was shining. A face was shown there.

"Luna!" Gray said in surprise when he saw her in the sphere. She looked more mature than what he remembered. She was indeed 7 years older compared to the last time he saw her.

'Woah! He is really back!' Another guy who appeared in the sphere exclaimed.

Gray recognized him immediately. He didn't change much except that he was a lot taller and muscular, "Kamui!"

'...It's about Boss right?' Luna asked.

"What happened to her? You, of all people, should know, Luna. Tell me... Please." Gray said.

'... It will be faster to show you... I will be there at once.' Luna replied and the communication was cut off at once, leaving everyone in silence.

"At once…?" Gray repeated blankly.

Sure enough, a magic circle appeared in the middle of the guild and Luna appeared from it, together with Kamui.

"... You really come 'at once'..." Gray said bewildered, "More importantly, what happened to Vye??" He asked. Worry showed on his face. Not only him, everyone's eyes pressured them or answers.

"... We can only bring 5 of you there... Too many people will arouse attention." Luna said without giving any further explanation. Nobody dared to ask her anything, seeing how serious she was.

They ended up with Gray, Lucy, Erza, Jii-chan and Wendy to go together with her. Natsu was dying to go as well but Luna said it was better to bring Wendy instead. There was something she wanted her to try. Almost immediately after Luna casted her magic, they appeared at a totally different place. It was in a middle of a desert. Nothing was seen in sight except hills of sands.

"What place is this??" Lucy asked bewildered.

"My magic is teleportation. This is the current place where Boss is..." She said sadly as she looked over to an ancient ruin with a door that lead to the underground.

Another teleportation circle appeared nearby. Another 5 people appeared from it. They sure gave the Fairy Tail group a big shock, especially Erza and Gray. It was Jellal's group, Sarah and a little boy they have never seen before. The little boy was around 6 years old and had jet black hair and strong hazel eyes.

"... Jellal."


"Well, stop giving us those faces. We are definitely not fakes." Urtear said.

"Good to meet you all again." Jellal said, "Time is pressing... Let's go. We will explain on the way." Jellal said.

"I will guard the entrance." Meredy said.

"Where is Clave?" Sarah asked.

"He is with Rena and Zack on new lead..." Luna said.

"Okay, I will join them. Contact us if you need help." She said and immediately teleported away.

A little boy who came with Jellal's group went in into the underground immediately without saying anything. Luna beckoned them to follow her into the underground. Silently, they nodded to each other and followed.

Everyone except the Fairy Tail members seemed to know their way well inside the cave. They neutralized the traps one after another without any difficulty. It seemed they had come in here for numerous times. Halfway through the cave, Luna started talking.

"... It all happened a year ago... Maybe I should at least tell you roughly what happened in these 7 years." Luna said.

She started from when they disappeared along with the whole Tenrou Island, how Boss had a hard time to cope with it and what happened in the years after, till she was trapped within the cave a year ago.

"... We have tried whatever we could think of to get her out of here but..." Luna trailed off.

"Since then, we left the Council without permission and went separate ways to find ways to cure her... Jellal also helped." Kamui added.

"I owe her my life. She risked her life to save me from the Council..." Jellal said but Gray sensed a deeper meaning in his words.

"Originally Boss sealed off this place but the barrier has grown weaker that we are able to pass through it." Luna explained, "It was thanks to Boss' high magical power that she is still alive but she will reach her limit soon..."

Jellal suddenly pointed in front and said, "... We have reached."

As he said that, everyone else turned to find a dead end. A stone wall stood before them. In the middle of the wall was a figure of a woman, beautiful yet filled with sadness. Plants were circling around her body and stone spikes seemed to pierce through her abdomen.

"... Is this... Vye?" Gray's voice was trembling.

"Nee-chan..." Lucy gasped. Everyone else was stunned as well.

Gray slowly approached the stone wall but was pulled back by Jellal, "Don't! The wall is alive!"


"Watch." Jellal picked up a small stone and threw it lightly towards the wall. Stone spikes appeared just before the small stone touched the wall to destroy it to pieces.

"... It was because we approached it so carelessly that Boss was..." Kamui said with regret and could not even finish his sentence.

"It has been a year since then. We have tried many things but nothing works... When we finally found one, it is proven to be impossible..." Luna said.

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"Dragon's blood." The little boy answered as he looked at Vye with sadness but determination.

"Then the reason you asked Wendy to come is..." Jii-chan asked, suddenly being offensive towards the gang.

"No, what we mean is the real Dragon's blood, not Dragon Slayer's..." Luna reassured, "I just wanted to try Wendy's healing ability on Boss..."

"Oh... Then..." Wendy approached but not so close as the wall would attack and used her slayer magic on Vyera. She tried many possible healing magic but nothing works.

"So it is a failure..." Kamui said in disappointment.

"I am sorry..." Wendy said and lowered her head.

"It is not your fault, Wendy..." Jellal patted her, "All of us could not do anything..."

"But Dragon's blood…? Isn't it impossible? The dragons have all gone from this world!" Gray said, "Natsu can't even find Igneel after all these years... How could we hope for...?”

"... There is some remains of blood in this world but it is either very costly or pretty much hidden." Luna said, "So far, we have only found..." She took a small vial half full of red liquid, "... this much."

"How much... do we actually need?" Jii-chan asked, despite knowing that it would be a bad news.

"... Enough to bath her in. Pretty much a large bucket." The little boy explained, "Only blood of that magical level would be able to cure her." He clenched his fist in frustration for not being able to do anything. There was immediate silence.

"I will get her out of here... no matter what." Gray said with determination. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"... I have been wondering... Who are you?" Lucy asked the little boy.

At first, everyone was silent. Finally the boy decided to open his mouth again, "I am Zen. That's all you need to know right now."


"Sieg, I am out of here." Zen said and teleported out from the place.

"What's wrong with that brat?! He is so rude." Lucy grumbled for being cut off before she could ask more.

"Forgive him. It has been hard for him this past year. He isn't usually like that." Jellal explained.

"But he calls you Sieg? Isn't that your old name?" Erza asked concerned.

"Well... It kind of serves as my punishment… and reminder. Only both of them call me that though..." He said.

Before Erza could even ask anymore question, the cave suddenly shook. Luna immediately warned them, "It's time! Quick, hold on to me!" She warned and everyone else obeyed without questioning much as she sounded very urgent. She teleported them out of the cave without further delay.

When they arrived outside, Meredy and Zen were waiting. The cave which was shaking earlier now disappeared without a trace, leaving an empty ruin behind and never ending desert.

"It... disappears just like that?" Gray said diselief, "Along with Vye?"

"We will find it." Kamui said, "It has always been like this for a year. Clave will be able to analyze its next location. Talking about that, we need to join them soon. It seems they found it."

"We will inform you again when we find the place." Luna said towards the Fairies, "If you need us, contact us anytime. See you again, everyone."

"W-Wait, Luna!" Gray called but both of them have already teleported away, "Contact? How?"

Zen sighed heavily, loud enough to be heard by everyone there, making them surprised as well that such a little kid could make such a mature expression, “I will be your contact point with starting from today.”


“As he said, we will leave Zen to you guys. He will be able to reach us easily if you need any help.” Jellal explained, “We are all fugitives so except for him, we cannot stay in a place for too long. So till then…”

Jellal’s group disappeared from the place almost immediately, leaving the Fairy Tail members dumbfounded. They then looked at Zen for answers. He then sighed again and said, “Well… nothing we can do about this now. I am looking forward to work with all of you.”

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