Chapter 50

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… How long has it been since I was trapped here…

“Probably… around 1 year or so?” Someone answered.

… It has been that long? Can’t you just release me already…

“No can do. In fact, even if I want to, I don’t know how to do it.” That someone answered again.

… I want to meet my family… They are back… I can feel them… Please…

“Rest assured. You will die soon enough. Your magic power is at its limit.”

… I have been waiting for 7 years… I want to see him… I miss him so much…

"... I am sorry I can't grant your wish." 

... Just a glance is fine... Please...

"You know I can't..." The spirit-like existence said, "I am the cave. I can't move anywhere except for the 4 seasons. Zeref created me on a whim and neglected me alone."

Vyera, who was still petrified on the wall, could only listen and think. She could not move or feel anything else, even the pain that supposed to be coming from her wound on abdomen. The only one she could talk to for the past months was the cave. 

It told her when her comrades were coming, how they were and all other stuff. The reason why it attracted so many people in was to conquer his loneliness but everyone else died before they even reached here. Vyera's group was the first one. From the looks of it, it had no intention to let Vye go till she died.

"... Intruders. See you later."

... Is this my end?... Will I ever see them again?... 

Being kept in the dark for so long, Vyera was reaching her limit. It took her everything to just stay sane there. The darkness, the silence, the loneliness... She did not even know whether she was opening her eyes or closing them. She could not feel or smell anything. There was only void in there. If only the Cave did not talk to her, she would probably had gone insane in there long ago. No one can keep sanity being in such state.

... Will I... ever see him again...?...

Her consciousness was fading out. Vyera was sure this was her end... before sudden brightness hit her eyes, the brightness of light that she had not seen for a year. How she missed the warmth feeling of it. As she slowly opened her eyes to adjust with the brightness, the first thing Vyera saw was Jellal, who looked relieved to see her waking up. 

“… Sieg.” She called weakly while trying to get up before sudden pain from her abdomen prevented her to do so, "Guess I am alive..." She sighed in relief that it was not a dream. 

“Don’t get up first. We need to heal your wound.” He stopped her and forced to lie down, “I am glad we made it in time…”

She could see a barrier around her. It was a healing magic casted by someone. Even if she wanted to see who was healing her, the pain was rather intense for her to move around. She could only lie down as ordered, “I thought I am a goner… Thank you... for saving me..." She said trembling, crying out of relief that she was still alive, "... What happened? How did you get me out of there?”

“This will take a while to explain but we have little time.”

“… I roughly get a gist that something bad is happening… And what with this magic I felt… so powerful… and ancient…” She said while concentrating on feeling the magic around her. As she was injured, it was difficult for her to feel them. 

“Those are the dragons. Thanks to it too we can save you, but now we need to kill them. Else… the Earth will be destroyed.”

Jellal briefly told her what had happened... How Fairy Tail got back safe and sound, the Grand Magic Tournament, the Eclipse Gate and the dragons. They managed to close the gate to prevent more dragons from coming through but the 7 dragons were rampaging in the city as they spoke. That was how they managed to get the dragon's blood to save her as well. The cave disappeared without a trace as they release her. Looked like it was set to self-destruct if someone managed to escape.

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