Chapter 2

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"Vyera! You're back!" Everyone greeted Vyera, "We almost thought that both of you have died in the hand of those demons or missing due to your bad sense of direction!" Someone joked.

"Well, sorry for being naturally bad with directions. I thought your trust on me should be more than that." She rolled her eyes, "Either way, here I am. Glad to have a chance to hear all those complaints from Council. I definitely can't get bored with you all around." She teased them back.

"That's pretty mean of you, Vye."

"Talking on the reports," Master started," I saw your name in there too before I burnt it." He grinned.

"Master! Why couldn't you just keep it a secret?!" She yelled back in embarrassment before clearing her throat to declare, "I have gotten my reward the A-class mission... So order whatever you want! It's all on me today!" 

"All right! That's our Vyera!"

Vyera noticed the familiar blonde newbie as she walked over to the bar counter to get her share of drinks.

"Hey, I believe you are new here." She asked her casually, didn't want to make her nervous and sat beside her at the counter.

"Y-Yes, I'm Lucy." She said nervously, "Nice to meet you... umm..."

Vyera smiled at her, "Vyera. You can call me Vye too. Nice to meet you." She shook her hand before deciding on her order, "Mira, one beer please." She told the lady behind the counter. Beautiful, kind lady with long white hair and wearing long black dress. She was said to be the Fairy Tail's Drawing Card for her beauty, kindness and gentleness.

"Coming right up." She answered cheerfully. 

Lucy seemed to be thinking hard about something but Vyera was more interested in the commotion in the guild. She spotted a baby white fox running around, chasing the cat with wings. It was pretty fun to see both of them playing together. 

Ice seemed to notice Vyera's gaze as he threw the package to her.

"You forgot that!" he yelled to her before he started to chase Happy around again.

"Oh!" Lucy stood up from her seat out of sudden while Vyera caught onto the package. She almost dropped it in shock, "What happen?" She asked.

"I remember now!" Lucy said again. 

"What is it?" Vyera asked curiously.

"You are Fairy Tail's Dancing Diva!"

Vyera looked confused and asked Mira. "Am I?"

"Yes you are." Mira smiled gently, "Since the first time you performed here."

"Since then? How the hell I didn't even know about it... I doubt I could dance as well as before though. I haven't danced since... err... 2 years ago??"

"Man... I would love to have a chance to see your dance." Lucy said, "By the way, what's with that package?"

"Oh, this? You'll see." She grinned and started looking for someone in the crowd of these unruly people. She finally spotted the guy she was searching for, the one with only towel hanging around his body.

"Hey! Gray!" She yelled. He turned around and looked at her with shock, and making a defensive pose without him even realising it himself.

"Do you remember what you promise me last time?" She asked, grinning yet with unexplainable anger.

"W-Wait!! It was Natsu that-"

"Don't lie to me. Without him stripping you off, you only wore your underwear!"

"But isn't it worse if-"

"If you're naked? Then wear your bloody damn clothes! This habit of yours is definitely troublesome. I definitely must let Erza know this time." She said irritably, "Probably then you will learn."

"Anything but that! I promise I will never do it again!" he apologized desperately.

"Couldn't trust your promise anymore. It has been broken way too many times."

"That's..." He was rendered speechless, admitting his loss.

Vyera could only giggle at him, "It was real fun teasing you."


She smiled, "Come on, wear your clothes before Erza gets back. I couldn't help you when that happens." She passed the package to him, "Seriously, change your habit. I can't bring those for you if I'm not around." She said and went back to the counter.

He opened the package and wore his clothes which were in it, "Thank you, Vye!"

"... So that what it is." Lucy said after all the commotion stopped, "Is he your boyfriend, Miss Vyera?"

She spurted out the beer she just drank and coughed hard, "W-Where did you get that idea?"

"You care about him in various ways and you two seemed to be pretty close. Ms Mira also told me that you two are the couple team in this guild."

"... And they live in the same apartment as well." Mira added with a smile.

"Mira! Don't create a misunderstanding here!" Vyera denied and blushed, "Yes, we are a team but he is not my boyfriend."

"Are you sure?" both of them asked, doubting every single of her words.

"You two are impossible..." She said in defeat, "Fine. I love him."

"I see... ... What?!"

"Hmm... this all begins since that time I guess."

"Let me join in. I need to know what happened when my dear granddaughter shut herself whole week and didn't come out at all." Master sat on the counter beside her without giving any sense of presence.

"Master! Don't appear so suddenly!"


"Yes... I was adopted when he found me."

"So... what happened at 'that time'?" Lucy asked curiously.

"That time, I was-"

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