Chapter 32

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"That idiot! Where did she get such courage to jump from this height?!" Vyera said and immediately got up from her position on the dragon.

"Vye!" Gray shouted when she jumped to save Lucille who was completely vulnerable without magic power. She would definitely die if she fell from this height.

"Don't worry!! I'll catch up with you guys soon! Be careful!" Vye shouted back before grabbing Lucille and slowed down the free fall using her wind magic.

Reaching the ground, Mystogan was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he fell onto another part of the forest. Lucille was already panic, worrying her brother... or someone who used to be her brother.

"... Stop panicking for a while!" Vye shouted after a while, getting frustrated over Lucille's cries of worries, "He's not that weak to die just from that fall! Now keep quiet and let me search for him!!"

This was the first time she lost her temper with Lucille although they have been in the same body for almost a year. She was a bit childish, innocent and know nothing about the outside world. Not to mention clumsy and panic easily. That's why Vye was a bit protective of her, treating her like her own sister.

"He is still alive and kicking." Vye told her after managed to feel his magic power via her detection ability after all the ruckus made by Lucille. Still a bit pissed, she grabbed her hand and pulled her along, "Don't let go of my hand. I can't feel where you are if you are missing since you have no magic." She obeyed and followed quietly behind Vyera.

After walking for a while, both of them ended up at the basement of the castle via some secret route. They have no idea where it was as Vye was just following the magic power of Mystogan. At the centre of it, there was a magical tool who-knows-for-what.

"... Nii-san!" Lucille shouted when she saw Mystogan standing in front of that weird machine. She ran towards him and hugged him, "You make me worried!"

"Yeah, and make me almost gone crazy handling her." Vyera added some sarcasm with a smile.

Mystogan patted Lucille's head who wasn't going to let go of him any sooner, "Thank you, Vye..."

"Take good care of her then." Vyera approached them, "So... what is this thing?"

"... If I activate it, the magic power will all be gone from this world." He explained.

"Are you serious?" Vyera re-confirmed, although didn't sound much surprise in her tone, "So all of us will be sucked back to Earthland?"

"Most likely."

"But, Prince!" Said someone who had been there but didn't make a sound till now, "All of our people won't be able to accept that fact so easily! Magic has been our lives for so long!" He was the giant version of the Exceed.

"Lily," Mystogan addressed him who looked like a big black panther, "We can live without magic in Edoras."

"I know that! But-"

"That's why, you must kill me." Mystogan continued without letting Lily finished his sentence.

"... What?" Not only Lily, but Lucille finally looked at him face to face, "What do you mean, Nii-san?"

"I'm serious." Mystogan showed no hesitation in his eyes, "I'll activate this, be the bad guy and Lily could kill me and become the King instead. That way, the people have someone to shoulder their worry and lead them."

Before anyone could voice out anything, Lucille was already voicing out hers, "No!! There is no way I will let you do that! I don't want you to die!"

"... You said the magic will be gone from this world?" Vye asked

"Yes." replied Mystogan.

"Every single bit of it?"

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