Chapter 5

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"So... this is the Town of Songs??" Lucy asked in front of the Town Gate. The gate was grand, with several melody signs on it. Unlike other towns, the gate was full of colours, indicating what kind of town it was.

"Yup. This is it." Vyera replied, the only one besides Gray who had come here before.

The Town of Songs was surrounded by forest and it had two gates, one at the north and another one at the south part of the town; there were two guards stationed at each gate, who would check on everyone that wouldl enter the town. Without any permission, nobody was allowed to go in.

"... Stop. We need to check your identity before you are allowed to enter the town." The guards ordered when the seven of them which included Happy and Ice approached the south town gate.

"We are from Fairy Tail guild and are here on Mayor's request."

"Ah... yes, I have heard from Mayor about that. Could you show your guild mark as ID?" 

As asked, all of them showed the guards the fairy tail marks.

"Identified." He said with a polite tone, unlike previously, "Welcome to the Town of Songs."

"Thank you."

The moment they entered the town, the gate was closed again. Lucy was so excited that she couldn't help herself being so hyper. "Hey! This is a great town! Every shop has a melody sign on them!! Ah!!" She pointed at one of the shops, "Stellar spirit key shop!!" and ran there without giving any notice. All of them sighed, couldn't help but followed her there.

After the seven of them were out of the sight from the town gate, which were now fully closed, the guards started a weird conversation, "Hey, Albert..." he called the other one.

"What's wrong, Khan?" replied the other one.

"... Isn't someone from Fairy Tail guild arrived this early morning?" He said, frowning, trying hard to recall.

"... Now that you said about it, I remembered a woman with long brown hair came this morning..."

After thinking hard, both of them looked at each other and, "Hey!! Isn't she-!!"

Going back to Vyera, she was already at the inn with Gray, Loke and Ice. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy were out to the town since they have never been here before.

"... So Vye, when are you going to see the Mayor??"

"Tonight... since those three will probably come back around that time." She answered and slowly yawned, "Didn't have enough sleep last night... I'm going to have a rest for a while." She lied down on one of the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. Gray put on a blanket on her but was pulled out from the room by Loke afterwards.

"Hey, want to get a costume for Vye??" Loke asked while still pulling Gray out from the inn.

"Oh yeah... She will need a costume for her performance..."

"I doubt she still has her old costume... Let's make a surprise for her. I bet they have a nice one in the town."

"Okay... I Ag...ree...?" Gray stopped walking and looked at a crowd of people nearby.

"Hey, Gray??"

"... Aren't those three..." he pointed at Natsu, Lucy and Happy who were trying to get into the crowd by crawling on the ground. Ice just shook his head in defeat and sighed.

"What the hell are they doing??" Gray said. Both of them approached the crowd. But it was difficult to see what's happening with all those people. It seemed that they were surrounding someone famous.

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