Chapter 45

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- 3 years since the Tenrou incident -

"... Dad, are you in?" Vyera knocked on the door to a room of an apartment. In truth, the whole apartment belonged to him now.

"Lucille? Come in." he replied from inside. Vyera opened the door without hesitant.

"Hi Dad, it has been a while." She smiled seeing him well in his age.

"You are alone? I thought-"

"Slight Fever. We will come again next month. Meanwhile, make do with this." Vyera handed him a portrait. He received it happily and smiled serenely when looking at it.

"How are you? Everything seems well nowadays." Vyera asked and took her usual seat in the room, "I am glad you look healthy at your age."

"I have a home and a daughter that always visits me. What else can I ask for? I'm satisfied." He said, "But... If only I could have both... Maybe I am just too greedy." He added sadly.

A year after the Tenrou incident, Vyera felt obligated to let her only blood kin left know that his daughter, Lucy, disappeared and might be dead. He was shocked beyond words when she told him. He broke down in tears, making Vyera felt that she forgave him at that point of time. It was not that she did not understand why he abandoned her when she was a baby. He did it to save other family members.

Vyera visited him a few more times after that. He had calmed down and apologized to Vyera sincerely about everything he had done. Their relationship became better. Vyera visited him every once a month and had a meal with him every time. Sometimes she also brought some of the rascals over if they were on mission in the area.

"I have not given up." Vyera added, "I will definitely find clues to their whereabouts. Even if means retrieving their bones."

Her father kept quiet. Vyera then smiled, "Come on, Dad. Stay positive. Let's leave that topic aside. What do you want to eat today? I will cook for you."

"Hamburger, fries, salad, sushi, katsudon, curry-"

"Wait, wait, I can cook all that but you sure you can finish them?"

"I was joking." He laughed, "Cook whatever you can use from the fridge then. I bought the ingredients but I will leave it to you for surprise."

"Gotcha." Vyera acknowledged the order.

That was how the routine every month when Vyera visited. When she went back, it was already night time and she already informed the others that she would not be eating with them. Yet, she would need to have a meeting with them as tomorrow was a decisive day.

The next morning, everyone woke up on the promised time and headed to the meeting room for final briefing.

"Okay guys, all ready?" Luna asked when everyone was in the meeting room with their uniform, neat.

"I will never get use to wearing this uniform." Kamui complained while adjusting his jacket.

"Be glad it's not long coat like mine." Vyera added. All other wore black and white attire designed for their department formal usage. As Vyera was the boss, hers was different from the others. It was not that she didn't like it but if she needed to battle, it was a total hindrance to have a coat that extended till kneecaps.

"Everyone got the plan? Stay alert at your position and block anyone coming your path using whatever reason you can think of."

"I will give the signal when the whole thing started. The other team was already there, waiting for your arrival." Luna explained, "I will coordinate your movement from here. Are all your earrings functioning?"

Their communication devices were on their earrings. Each one of them wore one. It was basically invented by Clave when he was free from his missions. As long as they applied certain magic power to use it, they can transmit and receive communication. Adding Luna's teleportation magic, they increase the distance even further.

"Just in case, I will leave this little ghost here."Vyera summoned a little blue ghost in the shape of a chibi demon with wings, floating around and told him, "I'm counting on you to report everything."

"Man... I agree for a truce but not as your slave!" Little Xrytos complained. He suddenly appeared one day a year ago without warning. Vyera was surprised as well. He agreed for a truce since he could not do anything in his current state. Well, all in all, they have a new comrade. Vyera also shared his memory for hundreds of years ago now. That was why she knew about Acnologia. Despite his complaints whenever he was summoned, he did say that the life was better for him in this way. Xrytos and Vyera were linked. They knew what each other was doing so it was like a connection, which can be good and bad, as now they had no privacy at all.

"Let's go." Vyera commanded.

They teleported directly into Council’s main branch at Era. The moment they arrived, Vyera said, "Man... I still love this teleportation magic. It's so convenient."

"That's what you always say, Boss." Kamui said, making everyone laughed.

"Geez... It is good to appreciate things, you know." Vyera replied.

'Come on, guys. Get serious. It's almost time.' Luna's voice echoed at their ears, 'Stop playing around.'

"Sometimes I wonder whether I am the Boss or she is." Vyera joked and started heading to the meeting room located at the end of corridor with the others following closely behind.

'Boss...' Luna's irritated voice can be heard from the other side.

"Ok, ok." Vyera said defeated. Upon entering the room, there were 3 Council members waiting inside, "Hm? I expected more people here." Vyera entered the room and took her usual seat at the end of the table. All others took their seats as well at the long table.

"You are late." One of them voiced out.

"By 1 minute. Don't be so uptight. Let's get this over and done with." Vyera said, "Clave."

Clave started reporting what missions they had done and the results. Basically this meeting was to assess their performance over the year. This was the 3rd time they did this. To be honest, they only need a representative to present the report. The 'full members present' policy was just to keep track of their movements. Luna was the only one allowed to stay in the HQ as the Council still trusted her as a spy, which they were so wrong. All in all, it was plain boring.

After around 30 minutes, Luna's voice was finally heard again, 'Mission start.'

Nobody responded to it. Clave continued his report and everyone just sat there listening. Suddenly an explosion was heard. It came from the underground.

"What was that?!" one of Council asked in alert. Someone immediately rushed in and reported, "The underground jail! One of the prisoners has escaped!"

"Who is it?!" the Council asked.

"Jellal Fernandoz!"

The moment the name was hear, the Council glared at Vyera. She was still sitting without reacting to anything.

"... What?" She replied to the glare, "It's not me. I'm here with you guys all the time."

They were still staring at her. She sighed, "Fine. I will capture him back for you. Happy?" She stood up, "Let's go guys." She commanded and left the room, "Find him. You know what to do."

Everyone dispersed throughout the entire building. But Vyera knew where she should go. Her magic detecting ability was still as strong as ever. She headed to the back door where lesser guards would be found. That was the agreed escape route.

She waited there for a while before Jellal and as expected, Urtear appeared.

"Hey. It's good to see you guys." Vyera greeted, "We should have... around 5 minutes before the guards appeared. One of my rascals will be outside ready to teleport you."

"... Do we really have to do this?" Jellal asked. His face was full of concern and guilt. He had been briefed by Urtear of their plan on the way here.

"It is the only way to convince them." Vyera shrugged, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. It is partly their fault for not allowing me to use my demon power whenever I'm in the vicinity."

"That's not the main issue here! Why are you-?"

"There they are!" One of the guards shouted as he saw them from far away. Vyera could see Kamui running over as well, an apologetic look on his face for letting them come before the agreed timing.

Vyera sighed, "As expected. Let's do this." She said and immediately attacked both Jellal and Urtear. From afar, it looked like they were putting up a good fight. Suddenly, another person appeared behind Vyera. It caused her to look away from the incoming attack from Urtear.

"Boss!!" Kamui shouted in desperation as he saw Vyera was hit. She collapsed on the ground unconscious and a pool of blood started to form around her. The three wanted intruders immediately escaped from the back door and were never seen anymore.


Shorei's message:

Thanks as always for reading! I will let the cliffhanger from Chapter 44 keep hanging for a while more... Please don't kill me for that.

I won't be updating till December as my exam is coming so hope you can understand. Please vote and comment! <3

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