Chapter 9 - Eisenwald Arc

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"Sorry Gray... Looks like I won't be able to make it for tomorrow..." Vyera said while her eyes were still looking at the letter, reading it once again to make sure she didn't read it wrongly.

"Eh?? What do you mean?" Gray said, frowning.

"Here... Read this." She handed the letter to him and started to check all other letter she was holding on her other hand.

He read quickly, his eyes going from left to right numerous times. "Why should this come at time like this..." he sighed, "But you don't have other choices... It is your priority right? As one of the-"

She immediately closed his mouth with her hand right away, stopping whatever he was going to say, "Don't say it so casually! It is supposed to be a secret by their rules!" She warned him.

"Oh yeah... Sorry. Why don't they just send a magic letter rather than usual letter?"

"If the letter suddenly talks out loud in the middle of the town, this secret won't be a secret anymore..." She explained.

"... Troublesome."

"Agreed. Although being inside had its benefit, I think I am quitting it..."

Both of them headed upstairs of the apartment. It looked like the landlady was not at home again since her room on the first floor was pretty quiet and looked deserted. Both of them had never seen inside of her room before. It was mysterious enough to make them curious, although no plan to enter it.

The second floor was Gray's room and Vyera's was on the last floor. Gray followed her to the last floor to help her cleared the letter.

Her room didn't have so many things, only a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a door to the bathroom on the right side of the room. The same interior applied to Gray's room, though his room was messier. She threw the letters on the desk after she opened the door to her room.

"Gray, you want to wait? I'm going to take a bath." She said

He thought for a while, "I'll just go to my room for a bathe too... I'll come up again later." He said and headed downstairs.

She took a shower. The warm water was perfect. She also took the chance to wash her hair. After 15 minutes, she was pretty much done and dried up herself with a towel. She just realized she didn't get her change of clothes. She wrapped the towel around her body, in case someone was in her room, and went out from the bathroom. No one was there. She took a simple tank top and shorts, changed in the bathroom and everything was done.

Gray also came up with some snacks, again, wearing only his shorts without a top.

"Vye, are you done?"

"Sure am..." She took one of the snacks and opened it, then took a bite. Then went over to her desk.

However, a sudden pain hit her chest. The pain was killing. She couldn't bear with it and fell kneeling on the floor, holding her chest.

"H-Hey, Vye! What's wrong?!" Gray asked worriedly, immediately went over, holding her.

But the pain was gone almost as soon as it came. "... It's alright... The pain is gone..." Vyera did not know what was going on too. She did not have any injury.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, still worried.

"Yeah... Don't worry..." She said, getting up and took a seat on the chair in front of her desk.

She started checking the letters while Gray sat on her bed and ate his snacks, though Vyera could feel his eyes were watching her, still unconvinced that she was really okay. Vyera really appreciated his concern but she really was okay.

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