Chapter 4 - Town of the Songs Arc

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“She… No. The mayor invites me to have a come-back performance as Dancing Diva at the town!!” Vyera exclaimed while still staring at the letter disbelief. Her hands were still clutching the letter tightly.

There was silence for a minute. Everyone was looking at each other surprise look. With that, the sudden loud shout of ‘WHAT?!” echoed from inside the guild until outside, which was loud enough to scare the town people.

“Is that true, Vye?!?” Gray asked hurriedly.

“Then, listen.” She continued reading the rest of the letter.

… The mayor wants you to have a performance in our town, the Town of the Songs, as a Dancing Diva once again. I know it will surely surprise you, but this is also a chance for you to be known once again. Isn’t that great?? There was no particular reason for this, but the town people had made a song for your performance. Making songs are their forte, but this song won’t be perfect without a dancer and a singer. So they make a request to the mayor to invite you.
They are also fans of Dancing Diva. Me too. So I really hope you will come. I should remember to put the invitation in so take a look at it.
Okay, that’s it for this letter. Please reply as soon as possible also comes as soon as you can.

Love, Teresa

“… One comment about her, she really is weird… forgets, remembers, forgets and remembers again…” Lucy shook her head and sighed, “So how is it, Vyera-san? Are you going??”

Vyera really thought hard. *Should I?* she then faced the others. All of them looked at her with different expression, curious, nervous, anxious, and excited.

“What do you all say? Should I go?” Vyera asked them instead, unable to come up with a decision within such a short notice.

At first, they didn’t say anything. Suddenly Gray grabbed her on shoulder and said, “You MUST go, Vye! I would love to see you dance again!! Right, everyone!?”

“Yeah!! She didn’t know how much we missed her dancing… It was damn great!! I can’t wait to see it once again!” said Wakaba, kind-of old man, who always had a smoking pipe with him. His magic was, obviously, related to smoke.

Reedus nodded his head in agreement; he is the one with the biggest body size that the body was enough to be a canvas, also wearing a pointy hat. He could draw on his body and transformed it into solid items with his magic.

“You should go Vyera-san,” Lucy said with a smile, “Everyone is looking forward to your performance once again.”

Looking at everyone’s support, Vyera couldn't help but felt touched. She never knew they loved her dance. She then answered happily, “I guess I shouldn’t let your support went down, right? Okay, I’ll go.”

“That’s the right choice, Vye-chan!!” Loke exclaimed and came to give her a hug before she kicked his face to prevent him from coming any nearer.

“Don’t that this chance to hug me, you playboy Loke.”

“Vyera, take a look at the invitation, will you?” said Mira with her usual smile. It was really hard to read her feelings, seeing she always carries that smile anywhere, anytime, whether she was happy because of something or just loved to smile. Anyway, it was one of her unique characteristics.

Vyera tried to find an invitation inside the envelope but all she could find was a piece of paper with 2 paragraphs in the envelope.

Ms. Vyera, please come to:
The Town of Songs, Central Square, 31st July, Noon, for your performance. Thank you.
Regards, Mayor Clef

PS from Teresa: please come the day after this letter arrived to have a nice chat with me.
Oh yeah, you’ll also be rewarded since this is counted as a request to a guild.

The only thing everyone could do after seeing that was gapping. All the mouths were wide open, didn’t know how to react to this weirdness.

“… Ara, ara, and such a simple invitation we’ve got here.” Mira said without any reaction towards this weirdness, still smiling happily.

Meanwhile Vyera crushed the paper in anger, “Asking me to go there in one day while we need two days to get there with the performance still one month to go… This is ridiculous…”

“V-Vyera-san… Calm-“

“Don’t worry… I have gotten used to it last time when I went there… Anyway, what are you guys still doing here?? Go and continue the repairing!!”

“Y-Yes, ma’am!!”

And all those sounds of repairing started once again. Vyera decided to sit by the bar counter and quickly write a reply letter.

Dear Teresa,

Thanks for such a ‘simple’ invitation the mayor got for me here that I almost threw it away and luckily I didn’t.
Leave your father alone, is what I wanted to suggest. However, since he is already missing again then let him be. I can understand why he wants to leave the Town of Songs so much.
Don’t mind it too much since you won’t understand the reason. Only those from outside the town will understand, someone... like your father who was, unfortunately, married to your mother who was from that town.

“Vyera-san.” Someone called

“Oh. Lucy. Anything wrong?” Vyera casually asked.

“No, no… But aren’t you being a little bit sarcastic there?” she frowned while reading the reply letter once again, making sure that she didn’t read the wrong thing.

“Don’t worry… They won’t understand the depths of these words. I lost my temper last time, but they were not at the least feel regret or scared. They were… … what do you call that??”

"Hmm…” She was also thinking, putting her finger on her mouth, frowning, thinking hard.

However, someone has answered it, “… insensitive and clueless?”

“Yeah! That’s it! … Are you eavesdropping since just now??” Vyera asked Loke who was hiding behind the pillar near the bar counter.

“N-No… I…” Then he noticed Lucy, turned pale and ran away as fast as he could, just like seeing a ghost.

Vyera could only chuckled seeing him acting so funny, “I haven’t seen Loke like that since last summer…”

“Do you mean he was always like that before??” Lucy asked curiously.

“Not really… Only if he is near a stellar spirit mage like you, Lucy.”

“But why only to stellar spirit mage??”

“… I can’t tell you why. He has got his reason. We had better stayed out of it. Okay, let’s continue this letter.”

Okay, back to the main issue. I accepted this request and will arrive there two days before the performance which is on 29th July. Please give my thanks to those who give me their supports. I really appreciated it.
Tell the mayor to make a 'proper & formal' request next time.
Love, Vyera

PS: I will put the ‘request acceptance’ letter from my guild master along with this letter.

“Done! Now…”

“Now what, Vyera-san?”

“Ah, Lucy, I forgot to tell you. Just 'Vyera' is fine. Now is time for this… Jii-chan!”

“Yes, my dear!!” he answered loudly while jumping down from the second floor straight towards Vyera, with a stupidly happy face ready to be hug by her. Vyera readily caught him but released him at once, causing him to hit the floor head on. He got up with a big swollen and throbbing vein on his head. “Why don’t you just catch me and put me down slowly?!”

“Like I don’t know what is in your perverted mind, Jii-chan… Anyway, can you help me with something??”

“What is it??!” he answered, still looking angry.

“This.” Vyera handed to him the letter from Teresa. He took it roughly and started to read it. A few seconds later, “… I see. Well here…” He wrote something on a paper and put it into the envelope along with the letter she was going to send. “Done! Take it!”

He threw it to Vyera, looking angry still. She knew he was just acting, since when he read the letter, he had calmed down and had a happy face.

She chuckled, “You’re so childish, Jii-chan… Anyway, thanks.” She gave him a tight hug, “Will this okay as a thanks??”

“… Okay, I forgive you. But give me one more hug??”

“Maybe next time," Vyera winked and put him down at the bar counter, "Let’s go Lucy.”

Vyera and Lucy headed to post the letter and went back to the guild to help the repairing of the guild. However, to her surprise, they had finished repairing everything, left the cleaning of the dust and rubbish they threw around just now.

“… Okay everyone! Let me clear this up. Thanks for your hard work. Sorry for not helping just now.”

Before they could say anything, she read the incantation for the magic spell she was going to use.

"Οι φύλακες του αέρα και της πυρκαγιάς... Απάντηση στην κλήση μου και ερχόμενος εμπρός... Μου δανείστε τη δύναμή σας, σύλφη. Ηφαίστειο."

[Translation - The guardians of wind and fire... Answer to my call and come forth... Lend me your power, Sylph. Volcano.]

A magic circle appeared on the floor, along with dim white light. The breeze wind was felt flowing in from every direction towards her. The wind gathered up the dust in form of small, weak whirlwind. In no time, the dust and rubbish had been gathered in one spot. She simply flicked her finger lightly and the pile of trash was engulfed in fire. Natsu quickly jumped there and ate it hungrily despite it was once a pile of trash.

“Okay, everything is still on me, right?? Get whatever you want and...”


“Thank you everyone.”

That was a surprise for every one of them. She rarely said that openly. Furthermore, with such a sweet smile. Some of them, guys like Gray, Loke, and several others, turned red. They looked at each other, trying to figure out whether what they had in mind were the same. Lucy was kind of loss about what was happening. Natsu kept on eating his fire while observing the others. Gray was involved in deep discussion with Loke, as well as the others.

“What’s wrong everyone??” she asked out of curiousity, when everyone started to whisper what they were thinking to each other softly. Finally, Mira was the one who voiced out about what everyone’s had in mind. “You know, Vyera, what they have in mind now is… to see you dance once again.”

Vyera was loss at what to say. “Is-Is that true…? You all want to see…”

“Yes, Vye-chan, it will be wonderful if you do…”

“Me and Loke has agreed to play the song you used for your last performance…” Gray said, “Only two of us could do it, if you remembered.”

This made Vyera remembered when she last danced in Magnolia city square. It was a great one and it really brought back memories on how fun it was to dance. It always made her forget painful memory and made her felt alive.

“…. Thank you, everyone…” she smiled even though she was almost in verge of tears. *This is my home… They are… my beloved family.*


She wiped her tears away, “Sorry… Okay! I’ll dance… Gray, Loke, I’ll have to trouble you.”

“No problem, princess!!”

And with that, that night she performed for the first time after a long break. Everyone seemed calm and relax thanks to the song and dance. Even Lucy, who had never seen Vyera dance before, said, “The atmosphere changes. It seems like we are at peaceful grassland under the peaceful moonlight…”

During the few days before she went to the Town of Songs, Natsu and Lucy had gone to help Macau from his mission and went to take care of the mission in Evaroo mansion, which was to take back a magical book made by a famous writer, Kemu Zaleon. And… one month had finally passed and Vyera, along with Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Loke, arrived in the Town of Songs to find out that someone had arrived before them to cause troubles.

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