Chapter 11 - Imposters Arc

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"With charges of damaging property and several other crimes due to the Eisenwald's incident the other day, Erza Scarlet and Vyera Phoenix will now be put under arrest."


"Wa-Wait! But they had saved the guild masters! You can't just arrest them!!" The others tried to reason with the frog.

"Both of them are coming with me to the Council, Fiore Branch. That's final."

"It's alright, guys... We'll come back as soon as we can." Vyera said while Erza changed back to her usual armor outfit. She also added, "Yeah... don't worry about us."

It was quite a short distance from the guild to the Council Branch. Once they reached there, the frog said, "Vyera Phoenix, please head to the conference room, you are summoned there. Erza Scarlet, please come with me to the trial room."

Both of them looked at each other. "... See you back in the guild, I guess?" She said, grinning.

"If both of us can get out of this safely..." Vyera replied to her without any worries. Both of them could understand each other quite well even though they did not seem like it.

She grinned, "We will. Trust me." She said that confidently and headed to the conference room. She had come here before so Vyera basically knew the route there. Once in front of the conference room, she knocked the door first, but there was no reply from inside. So she welcomed herself into the room without further thinking. Indeed, there was no one inside. She took a seat inside while waiting.

"Guess they are dealing with Erza first huh?" Vyera said to herself.

Not long after that, She heard some explosion, supposedly from the trial room.

"... Natsu..." She guessed from the feel of the magic power. Only he would make such a commotion in front of the council, if not Gray, "Wish I am there... I want to see their shocked faces..." She regretted. She did not like the council much, except for a few members.

"... Too bad then..." said someone who suddenly appeared, sitting across of her. Vyera recognized that voice and face. "Long time no see, Vyera." The geezer greeted.

"... Sir..." She called with respect. He was the Head of the Magic Council.

"Hahaha! Just call me like you usually do. I love it when you said it without formality!" He said happily, though Vyera knew he favored her more than the other members. Vyera could not hate him too if she wanted.

"Aren't I here because I would get the same trial as Erza?" She asked.

"No, you are here for different reason." said another voice.

Once she realized, all the members who were supposed to be in Erza's trial room were there, though they were in their imaginary bodies. Some of them favored her since she was Dancing Diva. While another half of them don't really like her since she was from the troublemaker guild, Fairy Tail.

"It's just a trick to call you without arousing suspicion that you are one of us." said one of the members.

"... What is my job this time? Jii-san?" She asked seriously.

"Straightforward, aren't you? You are the secret inspection mage... So-"

"So I am supposed to be a spy, yeah... and?"

"You are real quick... That's what I like from you... This will make everything easier." That Jii-san said, while the other members just listening lazily.

"... I'll take that as a compliment." She smirked.

So Jii-san continued, "What we want you to do is... spying on the most troublesome guild."

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