The sun beat down on my back as I worked in the field, sweat beaded down my forehead as I slowly gathered wheat and barely from one of the three small fields around the small hut I called a home. My purple and red kimono was sticking to my skin, making me leave a mental note to make different clothing to wear while I work in the field. 

Standing up straight I look at the basket I held, sighing at the amount of grain I'd collected so far. After all, I had to feed my cow and the pair of sheep that I had penned in beside my house, so I had to keep that in mind as I stooped again and started harvesting again. The afternoon sun soon burned my exposed skin, making it slowly more painful to work. The least I could do was finish the field before turning to my hut, the basket full of grains that I soon had to sort.

My brown hair was stuck to my face, but after three weeks of the work I'd gotten used to it. I trudged back to the hut, my sandals pressing seeds and pebbles into my feet as I left the field, slowly making my way inside where the heat was no better. Dropping the basket on the workbench I sit on the floor, my head resting on the opposite wall. 

A voice- no, many voices outside made the soft silence become broken by the startled bleating and grunts from my animals. 

"I told you there was a hut here! And look, whoever lives here just harvested some crops, they have to be here!" 

The voice startled me as my sheep bleated louder, making me stand back up and take the crude wooden sword from beside the door. 

"Alright Simon, you were right. But we shouldn't be here, this is.. This is too close to Ridgedog's castle.." 

Slowly I opened the door, jumping out but getting caught up in my kimono, ungracefully falling on my side. Scrambling to get up a shadow hovers over me, quickly getting up with the sword. My eyes were closed tight as I swung aimlessly, almost tripping again in my sandals. 

"Woah there, I won't hurt you!" 

"Duncan! What is it?" 

I opened my eyes again, backing up quickly against the fence of my second field. A man with blonde hair was in front of me, my eyes drawn to the gun strapped on his belt. 

"Hey, it's okay. Me and my friends were just curious, alright?" 

Another, taller man came around the side of my hut, and he had a diamond sword drawn as he nearly ran into the shorter one. 

"Duncan, I told you to keep your weapon drawn. You never know who could.. Who's she?" 

I was trying to climb over the fence, being pulled back by the waist and lifted up so my feet don't touch the ground. 

"Not sure, she hasn't spoken yet. I think she's the one living here." 

I was completely frozen, even when the blonde man put me down I stayed still. 

"Is she okay? Did you hurt her Duncan?!" 

"What!? No! She was on the ground when I came around front, I think she tripped." 

As they talked I darted past them, stumbling from my kimono as I shut myself in my hut. 

'Actual people.. I thought I was alone here.' Slowly I drew away from the door, taking the basket of grain and stepping outside. The two men were still arguing as I walked around my hut to feed my animals, finding a third man petting my cow. 

"You're so adorable.!" 

The short man had a startling voice, my cow pulling away from him and over to the fence I was at, smelling the barley in the basket. I smiled softly and stroked the cow's snout, sorting some wheat and barley and letting her eat from my hand. The sheep found their way over so I fed them too, sitting on the ground outside the pen and starting to sort the grains into piles. 

"'Scuse me?" 

The short man was standing beside me, making the note that he looked like a dwarf. "What are you doing?" 

I hold up some barely and some wheat, then set them in their separate piles, smiling gently as my cow started chewing my hair through the fence. 

"You're sorting the wheat out?" 

I nod, continuing the task as he sat down across from the basket and scooped up a handful. 

"May I help? Looks like you could use it." 

I happily smile, nodding as I show him which goes in which pile. After a while of this I realize that the other two were watching, making my stomach clench up slightly in fear. The red headed dwarf was the only one I honestly trusted currently, and he hasn't stopped humming or talking since we started sorting. I learned his name was Honeydew, and that he was a dwarf. The tallest man was Xephos, and he was a spaceman. The last one was a scientist, Lalna, and he was the one that scared me the most for some reason. 

"Hey, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking that is." 

The sun had set, the only light coming from the four torches around the edge of my animal pen. I ponder the question for a few minutes, lost in sorting before shrugging, not really ever knowing a name for myself. 

"You don't have a name? Let's fix that then. What do you like?" 

After another moment I smile, motioning to the animals, to the trees of the surrounding forest, and to the sky, the night sky. 

"Hm.. How about.. Cowba?" 

Making a face I shake my head, making the scientist laugh a bit. 


I give him a look, my eyebrow raised as if to say 'really?'. 

"Oh I know! Sky-" 

"How about Silent Night?" 

Lalna interjected before Honeydew could finish his suggestion. The spaceman turned to look at the scientist, shaking his head. 

"What sort of name is that?" 

Waving my hand I caught his attention, my smile and nod making him quiet. 

"Silent Night.. That's pretty good that is. How'd you come up with that one Dunc?" 

He shrugged as I scooped the sorted wheat into the empty basket, shifting the barley before picking it up separate from the basket. 

"Wait, where are you going? You can't stay here, you're much too close to a very dangerous man." 

I wave him off, dropping the barley in the pen to let my animals eat as I walk around the side of the hut. 

"Night, wait! You dropped this!" 

Simon tugged me down to his height as he pressed my amulet into my hand, smiling at him in thanks. 

"Hey wait a minute... That looks familiar, let me see it for a second." 

The spaceman scooted Simon off to the side as I shook my head and held on to it tight, turning around and continuing to walk to my door. 

"Seriously, give it to me." 

I shake my head again, pushing open the door just before I had an alarmingly sharp object against my throat. 

"Give. It." 

I carefully muster up my voice, as it was uncomfortable for me with little practice. 

"It.. Was my sister's... You can't have it.." 

He sighed and pulled the sword away, turning to a look of shock on both the other's faces as I shut my door. Dropping the basket on the table I shuffle over to the corner where my bed of wool and wood planks sat, it being very uncomfortable. Looking at the amulet in my hand a pang of sadness ripped through my chest. I had only known my sister for a day before she was killed at night by a creeper. I stay quietly on the bed, listening to the muffled murmur of the men's voices. Oddly enough, that was enough to put me to sleep in this horrible bed, holding the amulet tight as I did.

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