"Can you fly with that?" 

Lying pointed to the ring on my finger still, and I shrugged.

"I haven't tried since I was with Lewis, Simon, and Duncan."

"Would you like me to teach you?"

"C-could you..?" 

He nodded, smiling at me as he held out his hand again. I took it, and already I felt tingly in my feet.

"Ridgedog had most of these destroyed, but he let you keep yours I assume because he didn't think you knew what it was. He did place a lock on it, to keep it contained, but that's what I've just broken."

My hand left his as I thought of going up like I did while I was in the Jaffa Factory. It was much more controlled, and Lying joined me in the air. 

"You're pretty good at that. Come, it's off this way. Kirin and I explored off that way and we found it." 

He took lead and I followed behind, my hair whipping around and getting tangled as I followed close enough that I wouldn't get lost.

"So, Ridge doesn't know you know anything does he?" 

I was surprised, and I faltered. We were further than I thought we would get, we were over a stream in a thick wood.

"No.. how did you...?" 

Lying stopped and turned back, to come back to where I'd stopped.

"Well, you did ask me, a god you have no experience with, to show you to a Twilight Forest portal, a dimension without gods."

"A dimension without gods.?" 

He nodded, waving for me to follow again before a look of alarm came over his face. He moved so fast I couldn't see it, pushing me back the way we had come as his hands wrapped around my right arm. An arrow being trailed by vines shot passed where we were only a moment before but was followed quickly by another. Too fast to dodge. 

The arrow sunk into Lying's back, and the vines made quick work in tangling around his chest and up his arms. I shrieked a little, trying to avoid the third arrow that was coming towards us. Lying seemed immobile, but still floated, the vines doubling and tripling. The arrow sank into my side, enough for the vines to wrap around my stomach and chest. Instantly, we started falling, making me scream out. We crashed down into the stream, making me gasp at the cold water. Lying lay where he fell immobile, the vines drawing away now that we were on the ground. He was on his side, facing away from me. The arrow in his back wasn't causing him to bleed but was very deep.

"L-Lying... are you okay....?" 

He didn't respond and stay still as a shout from the forest drew my attention. I sat up sharply, making me gasp in a surprising amount of pain. I look down at Duncan's coat, which was staining and ripped on the right side. Staining in blood. The stream water was running red with my blood where I sat, and the pain suddenly started coming as I gripped the wound to keep it from bleeding more. The arrom seemed to have gone through the portion of my side and come out intact.

"TWO GODS TOBY, TWO GO- oh gods.." 

A blonde man had come running out of the wood and stopped short at the sight of me sitting up in the stream. 


A brunette boy came racing after him, and I started trying to grab Lying and drag him away from the two. The simple movement caused me to gasp and double over in pain, my side pressing into the rocks at the bottom of the stream.

"Lyinginbedmon and a mortal..." 

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