My eyes scanned the alder forest as I glide over, my hands gripped onto it tight. My arm ached, but I decided it best to ignore that. I swept over the river rather quickly, dodging around trees before I seem to become stuck. My glider had gotten caught in a large, thin web that was stretched over between two trees, a light appearing by the base of the left one. I remain silent, as fear started bubbling up in my chest. 

Was this an outsider.? Am I about to die..?

The ground opened up to the sound of pistons, a man with grey skin climbing out. He held a glow stone torch, which kept light steady rather than flickered like a flame. He looked so familiar, but I didn't know who he was. He raised the torch, his eyes wide in confusion as he peered up at me. 

"Silent.. You... Why are you here.? Ridge is going to kill people trying to find you.!" 

My silence seemed to confuse him, before his grip tightened on the wood of the torch. 

"He wiped your memory.. Get down here, before you hurt yourself."

I trusted him, for some reason or another, and let go of my hang glider. I dropped on my feet, the knee braces that came with the gun when Ridge had given it to me keeping me from being hurt. He quickly ushered me into the hole, where a ladder took me down into a rather extensive room with doors on either side. The pistons closed once he touched a button on the wall, the sound of laughter coming from one of the ajar doors made me flinch.

"It's alright Silent.. I'll explain what happened..." 

He led me to the door, hushing the laughter as he rested his hand gently on my shoulder. My eyes widen, a little shock of pain striking the back of my skull as I jerk my body away. For a moment, I could've sworn I knew his name, and had a memory of him. I look at his hand, which he kept level in some form of confusion it seemed, before raising my own to touch. He was watching me now, and I could feel his gaze on my face as I stared in wonder. 


I was with him in a pagoda, listening to music from a group of men. I hung onto the memory as I drew my hand away. He regarded me for a moment, before he led me into the room. Four men were sitting and drinking, and chatting, joking and laughing still. 

One was shorter than even me, and red bearded, downing a mug of whatever drink they had. Another was tall, tall as I could ever think a person being, with a simple red shirt. A diamond sword sat propped against his seat. The third was blonde and just a little taller than me, and had purple jam on his face. He had goggles propped up on his head. The last man was dark haired, and shabbily so, as it sat over his forehead like a mop. He wasn't really drinking. 

"Lewis. He really did..." 

Sips, the man who ushered me in, spoke, breaking the laughter. The red head lowered his mug, to take a peek, before squealing. 


He dropped his mug, and nearly tackled me down in a hug. My eyes must have shown confusion, as Lewis coughed a bit. 

"Simon, Ridgedog wiped her memory of us all... She doesn't reme-"

"Simon... The cookie dwarf.." 

My voice was curious and wondrous, as memories I didn't know I had flooded my head of a white building. The cookie factory that the three had brought me to, Lewis, Duncan, and Simon. Duncan stood from his seat, as Sips led me to it and sat me down. Memories were floating around, but once Simon let go of me to let me sit they started to flit away. 

"Alright... Suppose I should tell you what happened..."

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