Lewis and Simon settled down, as if they were getting ready to hear a good tale. The shaggy haired man was shuffling cards, and seemed quite disinterested. Duncan sat by him, and pulled his own cards out. I didn't know the game. 

"When I found Silent again, she was living with Ridge, Bebop, and Verbal. Something had happened to her when Duncan had operated on her shoulder...." 

I watched the card game, watching Duncan lay out a card with a little 1 on it. 

"She nearly killed me.... She was thirsty for blood, which was why I assume Ridge kept her with a robot and a dead man.”

The shaggy haired man played his own card, and Duncan drew his card back facedown into starting a new pile. 

"When I called in Lewis, she was terrified. She was afraid of killing us. So I put the mask she had back on her before Lewis came in. We went back with Ridge to his bar, and she went out some double doors." 

Duncan played a card, and drew two more from his deck and discarded the other. 

"Hat Films showed up, nabbed her, broke her pretty badly... Duncan had to come fix her." 

The shaggy haired man played another card, waving his hand forward Duncan took out a pen, to write on the table under his card. 

"Ridge decided to wipe her memory then, and I think it worked on fixing her fixation on her sister..... I am curious though.... Why do you have the purple blood coming from one side and normal, red from the other...?" 

Sips's question caught me off guard, making me blink. The question seemed to draw instant attention from the shaggy haired man, who held up a hand as if to pause the game. I was at a loss, since I didn't really know. 

"My sister had it too.. Except she had it on the right side... I don't really know what it is, but it's helpful for marking and keeping track of things like animals." 

My response made the man frown, but my attention went back to the men seated before me. 

"Well it's not Ender... Ender blood is black..." 

Lewis seemed quite troubled now. He glanced over to the man, waving a little to him. 

"Silent, this is Ravs. Skipped the introduction a little, he's a bartender." 

My eyes went back to him, and he waved a little.



"Do you want a drink?" 

I barely understood him over his deep accent, but I nodded. 

"Cider whiskey.?" 

He nodded, ducking a little under the counter he was behind. The room was cozy, like I'd imagine a tavern would be. He set a glass on the counter, already full, before putting a little umbrella in the cup. I smile, reaching and taking the cup.

"Thank you Ravs." 

Lifting the cup to my lips, I take the drink down very quickly. Ridge and I got into contests constantly about who could down a drink fastest, and it's a habit now. I set the glass back down, playing with the little umbrella rather than focusing on the surprised looks on the faces around me. I suppose seeing a tiny girl down a drink like a grown man is startling. 

"So.... Ridge has kept you away from us...?" 

Simon wasn't nearly as startled looking as the others were. I nodded, but spoke. 

"He did at first, but then I realized that I could accidentally kill you guys... I don't remember everything, but I do remember accidentally breaking a pane of glass by pressing on it.. I do remember is always living with those three, and Ridge telling me that you would kill me if you saw me..." 

My vision was getting blurry, and my arm achy. Sips carefully helped me stand, before he started leading me away from the men and back to the hall. 

"You need to get some rest before you head home..." 

My vision became even more blurry, as I stumbled into him. He wrapped an arm around me, into keeping me upright.

"Silent? Are you okay?" 

My head swam, and I couldn't pull together an answer for him. All I piece together once my head gets too fuzzy is Lewis' voice, mixed with a raised yell from Sips, and the hard snap of my body hitting the floor. I don't even feel myself slip into a dizzy, fuzzy sleep.

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