When I set the portal again to come down into the base Verbal came through, making a shushing gesture so I would remain silent before bringing me through. When we stepped through Bebop was waiting, waving for me to put on the disguised clothing Ridge had made me in case someone did suddenly come to visit. I pull a black cloak from my bag, shaking some sand from it before clipping it on, proceeding to take out a thin porcelain mask and place it over my face, where it clipped itself on. It was relatively plain, yet I had taken the time to do a little detailing where the lips and eyes were, having false eyes where mine would be seen to show yellow instead of the blue mine were. 

The cloak started giving off a black mist, warping the dress I still wore, the one Kim had made for me, into a limp black shapeless dress. It was reversible with a quick wash. Bebop looks me over before nodding, calling up to where Ridge's voice mingled with another male's was heard, probably beside the River Twix. 

"Hey Ridge, can I take Lila to your castle? She wants to learn that blood magic shit you're doing." 

It was silent for a moment before Ridge peered over the edge, giving the 'okay' signal before another, faintly familiar face peered over as well. 

"Are those all portals...? Well you've been b- S...... Silent..........?" 

I showed no reaction to the name, though now I recognized him as Sips, the same man who took me to listen to Area 11. 

The mask prohibited me from talking, so I cocked my head in question, using my portal gun to make a portal leading up to where my room was, very hidden in the Maintenance Room above the bar for the turbine. He seemed horribly confused, turning to Ridge for an explanation. 

"This is Lila.... She spawned in the taint biome three months after Silent Night died to a heart seizure, and because of being so fresh she sampled the taint out of hunger. Bebop found her and called my attention. She is flux free but disfigured, she prefers the mask..."

The story seemed to work as his face fell, nodding a little. 

"Well, I should be going..." 

As he spoke a red tinge started growing over my vision, being the first time its happened since Ridge brought me here. I brushed it off, placing a portal down to go to my room and waving Bebop off, to call off the 'trip' to the castle, stepping through it my boots step on a white wood, being ghost wood from the nether, the walls a gentle oak and the ceiling one way glass, the other side seeming to be grass as my room situated at the top of the base. I carefully take off the mask again, the tinge remaining as I set it down on the spruce wood desk. Stepping to a doorway the bath tub was already filled, leading me to think Bebop was in here before me. 

The room echoed the last, the walls, ceiling and floor the same, though having a mirror on the wall opposite the tub. Stepping up I drop my bag and the cloak to the side, before dipping into the tub, fully clothed so to draw the magic from the clothes that made it turn black and limp. I keep my body under for a few seconds before taking myself up, and carefully climbing out, quick to undress myself from the clinging dress and leggings. My boots I sat to dry on the floor, draping my other clothing over the side of the tub to dry as it started draining. 

Turning around to the mirror I seem to freeze, my eyes drawing my attention as they were a deep red instead of the bright blue I normally had. It struck me quite suddenly how thirsty I was as I opened my mouth to call Ridge, my voice seemingly hoarse. Unable to form words I shakily go back to my bedroom, grabbing my bed sheet instead of the cloak and wrapping myself in it, thoroughly, covering my eyes as I go back through the portal. I stumbled out a bit disoriented, my hands gripping the sheets tight as I stare up through the ring, opening my mouth to call out, only a hoarse whisper leaving my lips. 


Thankfully that alone was enough to draw his attention in the silence of the HQ, his figure quickly appearing beside me and lifting my head up. A look of worry appeared on his face, before he took ahold of my arms and sat me down on the floor. 

"When did it start?" 

I shook my head a little, unable to form any other words as he placed his hand on my forehead. 

"Silent I need to know, so I can make it better.." 

"W-when I... Got h-home......" 

My words were faint and hoarse, but they made him frown a little in concern. 

"Silent, are you thirsty..?" 

I nod, my throat feeling dry as well as my mouth, alarming me and making me feel dizzy. 

"I knew it..... We need to ge-" 

"You're not dead...." 

His voice made me flinch, yet made my throat yearn, my eyes unseeing as I felt myself move, much faster than I could have, images of Sips under my hands against the portal frame and my fingers on his neck making me shocked, enough that I drew back, cracks left in the metal frame where his armor had made contact.

Hands I knew too well grabbed onto me, holding me back and away, a soothing hush in my ear as I slowly lost feel in my body, my head dipping back into Ridgedog's chest as he lowered me to the ground and drew his hands away as I lost feeling.

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