I slowly make sense of the clothing before pulling the dress, tight pants, glove arm sleeve things, and headband on, smiling as I held a stuffed animal that was in the bundle close to me, a little stuffed bear, before standing to go find Kim. I pass the torches on the wall and creak open the door, already able to see a staircase going downwards. 

Approaching it I'm stopped by a voice from downstairs, a startled shout for something to stop, confused as I continue and peek down the stairs. The doors were wide opened, showing a wide expanse of green outside. I slowly step downwards until I'm at the doors, peering outside at farms, buildings, and animals in pens. 

Kim was attempting to stop a machine, making me giggle slightly before stepping outside, shielding my eyes from the sun as I walked over to the animals. One of the cows walks up to me, making me smile as I reached out to touch her soft nose. 

"H-hey, that one.. bites.......?"

Kim trailed off as the cow walked right up to my hand, licking it and nuzzling into it softly, making me smile wider. 

"This was my cow.... Did she have a purple marking on her fur when you found her...?"

"Uh...... Yea, her and two sheep...." 

"My sister marked them to keep track of them until we had a pen.... It was the only thing she did... They escaped the fire then, that makes me a little happier..." 

She stepped up beside me, watching in a bit of wonder as I pet and scratched the cow as she wanted. The pen beside us had the sheep, the two coming over to us to be pet by me as well.

"Those are some loyal animals..." 

"After Scarlett died I took care of them a lot like family.... I made a pen before I did a house, and I slept with them behind the fences before I made a bed...."

She looked curious, before she noticed something off behind the pen, cursing before rushing around. 


I didn't pay mind to her words, as I pet the sheep, doing as my sister did to mark them I bit into my left thumb, a purple liquid beading up from the puncture I dotted it on their foreheads, along with the cow. 

"U-um... Excuse me..?" 

A very quiet voice startled me a bit, turning to look over my shoulder I see a boy, his skin seeming to be made of metal. 


My voice had lowered slightly, curious, yet not rude enough to ask about his skin. 

"Are you Silent Night?"

I was a bit startled by the question, before I nodded, turning back to pet the cow nudging at my elbow. 

"Can you come with me please." 

I blink softly, before shaking my head, smiling as the cow nosed at the stuffed bear. 

"Oh I had hoped you would have by choice...." 

A cold yet smooth hand came over my mouth, a soft hissing sound escaping as it clamped down firmly. A slightly green gas came from it, filling my head with fuzzy drowsiness. 

"I'm sorry, but Ridgedog wants to see you...." 

I drop to the ground as his hand pulls away, my hand releasing the bear, yet it was picked up by the same hand before my vision faded, my animals and the metal boy my last visions as my animals seemed upset to what was going on.

What is even going on.....?

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