The soft groans of a zombie startled me awake into falling off the bed, scrambling up in slight fear. A faint distressed bleat from one of the sheep made me shake my head, straightening my kimono before grabbing the sword next to the basket of wheat. Pulling open the door, a zombie shuffled slowly around the side of my hut as others wandered in my fields. 

The smell of fire caught my attention as a flickering light started growing from behind the corner. My eyes widen as I stumble backwards, swinging and lodging my sword in the approaching zombie's neck. As the creature became smoke a series of distressed grunts and bleats made me dart through it and stumble around the corner to be met with flames licking at the pen. My animals were pushing through the flames, freeing themselves and running from the flames. 

As they ran the fire sparked in the surrounding forest and quickly spread, making panic spark as I quickly search in a circle for an exit. 

"Well then, you seem to be in a pickle. Need some help there little one?" 

Confused, I looked for the source of the voice, panic growing in my throat as smoke started blocking the gaps in the trees. 

"Oh, don't bother looking. Do you want to live or do you want to die in this fire?" 

I stop turning, watching the flames start burning away my hut and everything I worked to gain. 

"I.. I want to live.."

A man in a brown trench coat with gold buttons appears out of the smoke, the smoke masking his face. 

"Come on then, you haven't got the luxury of time right now do you?" 

Quickly looking back at my house I realize that I left the amulet sitting on the bed, taking a half step towards the burning structure. 

"Where are you going? You're gonna die if you stay here." 

I gather up my kimono to be above my knees as I started towards the hut. 

"Hey, wait a minute!" 

The man appears in front of me, grabbing and holding me as I tried to get away. 

"My amulet..! It's important!" 

Those were the only words I spoke, watching as the walls crumble in. 

"I'll get it once the fire dies, I need to get you out of here." 

He lifts me up by my waist, keeping me from going to the burning mass that used to be my home, the smoke starting to make me cough, burning my throat. His grip tightened slightly as fresh air quickly filled my lungs, the sword falling from my hands as I clung slightly to his arm. His laugh filled my ears, confusing me as I realize we weren't on the ground, high above where the fire was in the dark sky. 

I clung tighter to his arm, holding on with both hands out of absolute fear. 

"Hey, relax. I won't drop you." 

My eyes close tight as a shout from below makes him sigh. 


He tightened his grip slightly, shifting his grip to hold me against his chest. 

"What's your name little one?" 

"Silent Night.. Lalna came up with it..." 

He stayed quiet as another shout reached us. 


He groaned slightly as his grip tightened even more, his fingers digging into my side and making me grimace slightly. 

"I guess you are a bit innocent, even for a mortal.." 

His grip tightened further, drawing a slight whimper out as my kimono starts ripping at the seam. Looking up at him, he had a dark smirk on his face, making me want to push away despite being so far above the ground. 

"Aw, don't worry. I won't make it too painful before I find when you break Silent Night. Besides, it looks your friends are following us." 

Looking down I could see the three men from before, slowly looking back up at him. 

"It's cute, the look of fear on your face. It's cuter the way you think that even if you get away from me that I can't find you again." 


Without a second thought I shove away from the man, blindly trusting the words from the scientist as my eyes shut tight. Plummeting for a few seconds, I started to lose trust before I was caught heavily, clinging to the jacket of the person who caught me. 

"It's alright, I won't let you fall. That was Ridgedog, he has a very bad habit of torturing people." 

Several long moments later he starts walking like normal, two other pairs of feet running up to come beside us. 

"Is she alr- her dress. He ripped through her dress on this side." 

"She doesn't look too good.." 

"Shush guys, she just went through a one on one meet with Ridgedog." 

Opening my eyes, I'm met with Lalna carrying me, Xephos peering over his shoulder at me. My eyes drifting upwards I flinch slightly, seeing a black cloud of smoke rising in the dark sky. 

"My.. home..." 

Xephos looked at where my eyes had drifted to, looking back at me with slight pity. 

"I'm sorry Silent.. But at least you're alright.." 

I shake my head, hiding my face in Lalna's coat as he carried me. 

"My amulet.. It's still.. I couldn't get it..." 

After a long gap of silence Honeydew spoke up, his voice quiet to keep from scaring any of us. 

"You can stay with us for a while.. Help you learn about machines and stuff before you go off again." 

Xephos nodded in agreement, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword as we approached a white marble tower.

"We have an extra bed, and we could use the help with the factory and food production." 

Lalna smiled at me, setting me down on my feet so that I could get the feeling back in my legs. The torn seam on my kimono was larger than I thought, making me pull the fabric together to keep it closed. 

"Come on, I'll show you the beds. We can get you a new set of clothes too, but they might be a bit large." 

"You don't have to do that.. I can make my own.. As long as there's wool and string that is.." 

I suddenly felt overwhelmed as Lalna led me into a wooden house in front of the marble tower, the complexity of the house compared to my simple one confusing me slightly. 

"You look asleep on your feet, I think you need to rest a bit. Actually rest, no working outside or moving a lot." 

He sat me down on one of the three beds, a sign above it saying 'Duncan'. 

"You sound like you got a bit of smoke in your system still from that fire, so you really should rest." 

I shake my head slightly, my hand resting at where Ridgedog was pulling and digging at. 

"He said he could find me no matter what.. How can I rest..." 

He sighed, pushing me down to lay on my side as a strong pain erupted in my side, slowly dulling to a soft tingle as I was lulled to sleep by it.

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