The loud bang of metal on metal shook me awake, nearly falling off the bed. My head bangs on the wall behind the pillow, making me wince as another bang came through the door. 

"Duncan, what are you doing?! You'll wake up Silent!" 

"Sorry! I didn't mean to turn it on!" 

Quietly I sat up, rubbing my head where I hit it as the door opened, Xephos peeking in. 

"How are you feeling Silent? You've been sleeping for a day, day and a half now." 

I shrug, swinging my legs over the side of the bed as he stepped in, his sheathed sword the first thing I noticed next to a bundle of cloth in his hands. 

"I brought you some cloth, since you said you were making your own clothes. I did however get some stuff from Hannah that I hope will fit you." 

He set the clothes on the bed beside mine, along with a white coat. He quickly leaves to give me some privacy as I stand up, my kimono falling apart at this point. 

Grabbing the bluish cloth I unravel it, spreading it across the workbench as I started sewing and fashioning it into something wearable. After a short amount of time I stand up, my kimono falling off my shoulders and hanging from my arms as I hold out a dress, observing the seam to see if it was secure enough. Satisfied, I let my kimono fall off before pulling the dress on over my head, finding the hem to sit above my knees. 

The cloth was cotton instead of wool, making it more comfortable and breathable. Smiling, I scoop up the white coat, finding it to possibly be one of Lalna's labcoats, shrugging it on to see the hem sitting below my knees. Turning to what Xephos brought, a pair of brown calf boots sit on the bed under a hip bag. I pull them both on, wiggling my toes to find the boots just barely fit. 

"Hey Sile.. Is that my lab coat?" 

Turning around I see Lalna standing in the doorway, nodding as I start pulling it off. 

"No no! You can keep it, it looks good on you. Anyways, I wanted to know if you wanted to help me with some science." 

I smile and nod, happy to help with anything since they were letting me stay here. 

"Oh good! Alright, follow me." 

Quickly following him as he walks from the house we enter the marble tower, slowing down in my pace as I look around at all the piping and machinery. 

"I'll give you a tour later, for now we're going up to the fourth floor." 

He carefully guides me to a bright yellow ring in the ceiling, handing me a ring. 

"Put that on, we have to fly up. The ladders only go up so far." 

Curious I slide it on, my feet feeling slightly tingly. He grabs my hand and pulls me up off the ground, already flying above me. It was a bit hard, but thinking of flying up I shot up, passing the fourth ring quickly. Quick thinking made me fall slightly before hovering, shaking slightly from the speed. 

"You could use some practice with that." 

Lalna took my hand and pulled me downwards until we reached the fourth floor again, pulling me on my feet. The floor was pristinely white, five tanks on one wall with cages on the back, and a computer system on the last. There was a table in the center, and the room was cut off from where we were stranding by a glass wall and a set of doors. 

"Come on. I need your help to try finding a substitute for wheat and barely in our Jaffas." 

He led me through the doors, closing and locking them behind me to keep people from wandering in I suppose. 

"I've looked into flax and other grainy plants but they don't mix with the other ingredients." 

I was looking around in slight wonder as he pulled lab equipment from under the table, setting beakers and test tubes on the table along with a hot plate and a Bunsen Burner. 

"Have you tried rice.?" 

"Rice? I haven't thought of that, but it's probably because we don't grow rice here. Might be worth it though, to see if it does go well." 

He turned back to me as I picked up a test tube, curiously observing the black liquid inside. 

"Be careful with that, it's quite the acid." 

I quickly put it down where I found it, watching as he put his goggles on. 

"Just watch for now, until you think you understand it." 

I watch him carefully for a few hours, absolutely confused to how or what he was doing at almost all times. 

"You know what, I think rice is the solution for our problem. I'll tell Lewis, for now can you stay here and put away all the empty beakers?" 

I smile and nod, relieved that I at least knew how to do that. 

He unlocked the door and left as I started, putting them away one by one. One beaker was full of a goldish liquid, making me curious I carefully pick it up and watch it move. After a few moments of watching it I set it back down, finding no other empty beakers I wander over to the tanks. They were all empty, but one of them was almost too cloudy to tell. I turned to the cages, quickly backing up as the second had a creeper in it, the first cage empty. 

"Hey Silent, my associate wants to meet you." 

Xephos' voice scared me, making me nearly jump into the table. Quickly turning I almost knock the beaker of gold liquid off, catching it and placing it back before looking up at the door. 

"Come on, he's downstairs. Hope you can fly well." 

He waved me to go first, swiftly passing him through the doors and carefully flying down through the rings.  He laughed slightly, going down ahead of me and landing, speaking to someone else. 

"She doesn't speak much, word of warning." 

"That's alright. Least it's not nonstop talking like Sjin." 

The words made Xephos laugh as I accidentally plummet the last ten feet, landing on my back and freezing up slightly. 

"O... Ow.." 

Someone helped me sit up, a gentle hand resting hesitantly on my back. 

"Are you alright? That looked like some fall." 

I nod, looking up slightly at the man who was crouched next to me, almost aghast at his grey skin. 

"Silent, this is my associate Sips. He's our business rival." 

The man smiled at me, helping me up as I smiled back. 


I was a bit lost in my mind, rubbing the back of my head slightly as I was. 

"You sure you're alright Silent.? You might've gotten a conconcussion from how far you fell." 

I nod, my head snapping up through the rings as Honeydew called my name. 

"Silent! Have you seen an orange box full of cookies?" 

Confused I look over at Xephos, who flies up to speak to Honeydew, leaving me and Sips on the first floor. 

"So.. Lewis said you'd been staying near Ridgedog.. is that true.?" 

I slowly nod, subconsciously rubbing my side where he'd ripped through my kimono. 

"Hm.. It looks like you could use some fun! I know just the place!" 

He motioned and led me outside, my curiosity piqued as to what he was talking about. 

"How do you feel about music?" 

“What’s music?”

“What’s music?! Well, I’m about to blow your mind.”

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