I sat in comfortable silence for a while, before Rythian's figure came through the door. He was carrying a bundle and a lit torch, lighting the room as he came. He came up to us and set the bundle at the end of the bed. 

"Zoey was right, you and Ghost do get along well..." 

I smiled and nodded, with little pats and scritches for Ghost as he cuddled up further on my lap and into my stomach.

“He’s such a good boy.! He let me hold onto him without being mean."

"Well, maybe you can take him for walks sometime."

"I will absolutely take him for walks."

"On another note.. your energy should be back to normal soon.. I think I'm going to send you to Kirin and Lying for protection from your father..." 

"So I was right.?"

He nodded, before he sat down on the bed with us reaching out a hand.

"May I see your hand?" 

I nod softly as I extended my hand to him. His bandaged hands were odd to the touch as he took my hand, a violet hued magic threading underneath the cloth. 

"Hm... well, you're definitely way better than you were... maybe another day's rest… however, it's been four days.. I've never seen someone lose so much energy and have to wait so long to regain it..."

“Four days.? I’ve been asleep for four whole days?”

“Yes, you have. You desperately needed it too.”

I nod softly, drawing my hand back to come to touch the string of the amulet. Through the fire and all that has happened, the string and metal remained completely intact. At my worried touch, the same apparition from when Ridge struck at me the first time flickering to life.

The perfect model of Scarlett was standing facing us. Rythian turned to look, the torch extinguished now only the fire flowers were left to light her. His eyes took a careful look at her, but Ghost’s reaction was to growl in her direction.

"She has the same image as you... the streak would be the rapid aging that she experienced... I have mine from a failed experiment I had run with Duncan..." 

Ghost was confused, but let me push him off as I tried getting up to hug the image. I leaped at her, and she almost cried out as she moved forwards to hug me. She was ice cold, her hands gripping onto me as though I weren't real. 

"Little sister... you didn't listen to me... I tried warning you about him, when you broke your shoulder again...."

"I c-couldn't, I could barely move..."

Rythian's hand rested on my head before his touch moved to Scarlett's. 

"She has been in that amulet... she must remain there if her protection is to remain... I assume you're trying to protect her from your father.."

Scarlett nodded, her face pressed into my hair. She was already seeming to flicker like she was fading.

"He is cruel.. he beat our mother before he abandoned us... killed me to keep the one who didn't know...."

"I am having her live with two others who will stop Ridgedog from touching her again.."

Scarlett looked up as her form flickered away sharply, though a look of thanks was on her face. I stumbled forwards without her to hold me up, to be caught by Rythian. My face was wet with tears, of happiness maybe, and he held me close to his chest in a comforting hug.

"Shh... come on, more rest... I'll go with you to settle you with Kirin..."

I nodded, letting him lead me back to my bed. He tucked me in as Ghost settled on top of me again. My eyes closed as Rythian left me with smoldering torch in hand, to bask in the warmth Ghost gave off. He put me at ease as I started drifting off into somewhat pleasant dreams.

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