"Looks like you survived Lalna's little experiment. He's been waiting for years for someone to get injured like that." 

He pulled the object and flipped it open, revealing it to be a gold pocket watch, checking the time it looked like as he sat down opposite me. 


I stayed shrunken back, my eyes feeling a bit itchy as a red tinge came over the room, starting to get a little thirsty. 

"Mhm... You've just become a lot more dangerous... You'll be staying here with Bebop and Verbal and I so I can keep an eye on you. The others will be informed of your death, they can't know you're alive now that Lalna has put his blood in you."

He stood again, tucking the watch back where he got it as he stepped closer, making me lean back further against the glass. He rests his hand on my forehead, the red tinge fading from the room as the thirst I seemed to have faded. Surprisingly the touch wasn't harsh or painful, but was actually soft and a little gentle. 

"While you're here Bebop and I will watch you, Verbal is gone a lot. You're not to mention my immortality, Bebop and Verbal are friends to the mortal seeming me. Mention it once and you will lose your tongue."

I nod a little, still scared but starting to calm down a little, the fear that had bubbled up starting to fade. 

"S-so.... Lalna put his blood in me when he fixed my shoulder....?" 

"Correct. He wanted to create someone like him, bloodthirsty and evil as the others say. At least, that’s my guess. Knowing him, he could’ve also done it accidentally" 

He pulled his hand away, turning to go walk out of the 'Pelican Perch' towards where I had just come from. The glass behind me breaks, a large crack running through the thick surface before it shatters, thick long pieces coming from the pane and plummeting downwards, making me flinch and jerk forwards, cuts running from the back of my head to my back where I had pressed myself. None of them seemed too deep, the bigger shards having missed and fallen either to the floor or the ground far below, but the stinging pain from the cuts made me gasp slightly when I moved. 

"You're fragile but strong... Strange combination." 

He turned back towards me, reaching out his hands to lift me and put me over his shoulder, finding his jacket to quickly stain in red and deep purple blood. He carried me out to where the other two men had been, now only the metal man searching through one of the chests. 

"Bebop, grab me some cloth and string, that faulty window shattered when she leaned on it." 

He sat me down on the bed, shielding the dark purple blood from Bebop's view when he passed the asked things. 

Ridgedog started cleaning up my back and shoulders, confusing me with this dramatic difference to how he had treated me before, and as he started cleaning up my head the other man, who could only be Verbal by process of elimination, stepped in with a box with different keys on it. 

"You asked for the chat, here's the chat." 

He dropped it on top of a chest before going off again down a flight of stairs. A small tug on my dress top confused me before I realized Ridgedog was sewing the cuts in it up. 

"You know how to sew..?"

"Of course I know how to sew my mother made me take lessons..." 

This really was a different side of the demigod people feared. Maybe he wasn't so bad.

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