Kupo pushed me back to my bed, his hand moving to reveal a yellow flame at his hand.

"Your magic will take on it's own shape once it reveals itself. My job is to make sure you don't pass out, or explode."

He didn't give me a chance to question before he pulled the book open, and faced it to me. The pages seemed to all be blank, before script in a language I'd never seen formed on them in red ink. Stranger still, it seemed that I could read and understand it, vaguely. 

The moment I began to read I started to feel hot, my hands coming to wring in discomfort on my lap. Kupo watched me, as if waiting for something.

The text began to glow, and vanished before I got to the bottom of the first page. He closed the book, and tossed it aside before he sat beside me on my bed. I went to question him, before my body felt as though it had been placed in the smeltery at VoxHQ. Instead of words, a choked scream escaped my lips, my hands moving to grab at my sleeves and arms. 

Kupo grabbed my wrists to keep me from scratching at myself. As he raised my hands I saw the same script in red all over them. It felt like pure agony, my skin felt like it was melting, my insides as though they were already liquid and molten. My first instinct was to curl up, and hope for a quick death, but his grip kept me from not only moving, but from focusing on the pain. 

Beneath it all, a funny, light feeling was spreading from my skin inwards. My eyes weren't focused, but I could see Kupo as a blur. He had moved to keep me upright, an arm over my shoulder to keep me still. 

I could feel stabbings of pain in my head, the one place that didn't feel light but heavy, heavier than anything else. One in particular dug deep, deeper than the others, before I started feeling lightheaded. My head dropped, as my eyes closed. A hand grabbed onto my chin, before my head was brought back up. The feeling of cool mist came from his fingers, a tingle on my jaw from where he touched. It was strong enough for me to feel it despite the lightheaded pain. 

My scream had nearly stopped, leaving my throat raw and sore. Suddenly, my eyes opened to a new scene. Instead of my new housing, I saw more script, the same as had been in the book. It swept by in one long, thin line, my eyes trying to catch all of it as it did. Despite not being able to read any of it, information seemed to be flooding into my mind. 

Spells, abilities, rituals, all seemed to be flooding into me. The pain was climbing back into my conscience, worse than before. It had become excruciating, as I felt my very bones heating and seeming to melt from it. 

The last few bits of script whizzed past, before I was thrown back with a blink into Kupo's grip. The pain had suddenly stopped, but my shaking body, rough breathing, and hoarse throat told me it had indeed hurt. His hold on me hadn't changed, as now his hand moved to rest on my cheek. 

"You'll be alright... that was very good.. your magic should be tamed for you to learn properly now.." 

He held me still, my shaking hands moving to grip his arm. I could see as my eyes focused that the red script had vanished from my skin, as if it hadn't been there in the first place.

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