"You lied to us, to everyone, Duncan is drowning in alcohol because of the guilt!" 

"You saw what she tried doing to you, that's why I lied and that's why I had to take her away from you all." 

Sips's voice was angry, hostile even, as Ridge's sounded annoyed, my body numb as I listened. 

"She just tried killing me... Why....?"

"Duncan did this..... When he was doing the procedure to fix her shoulder he had to give her blood so she wouldn't die.... He didn't realize he had made her like him, he made her thirst for blood...."

A sharp pain in my arm shocked my eyes open, a shaky gasp escaping my lips as I saw Ridge was leaned over me. The pain remained as he drew his hand back from my arm, an empty syringe in it as the deep red tinge and the thirst started to fade. It took a few seconds for him to move, his eyes fixated on mine as the tint faded entirely. 

"How are you feeling Silent...?" 

I didn't answer as my eyes wandered over to Sips, who had a look of mild fear. I was lain in my bed, the glass above us showing it to be night time as I started growing feeling in my body again. 

"Silent.... Are you still thirsty...?" 

I slowly shake my head, not daring to use my voice as I stared up at the moon. 

"You need to rest.... I don't know what suddenly triggered it, but I'll find out okay....?" 

I nod softly, my eyes beginning to close as a fire trail streaked across the sky towards the bay doors, the red shirt on the figure using the jet pack easy to identify. 

"R... Ridge...... L-Lewis is here....." My voice was shaky and choppy, making him frown a little in worry as he stood up. 

"Rest Night.... Please, I don't want to have to announce your actual death anytime soon...." 

Sips stood as well, stepping over to my bedside from the desk and looking down at me. Ridge left to go deal with the spaceman, leaving the two of us alone as my eyes closed. 

"Silent.... You live with the most dangerous God..... Why...?" 

After a moment a slight smile spread on my lips, starting to hear Ridge and Lewis arguing. 

"To keep..... To keep you all... Safe...."

He was silent, before he drew a little metal triangle from his pocket and opened it. A blue glow on the top showed a star symbol. 

"Lewis, Silent Night is alive. Tel-" 

"They can't know..!" 

My startled voice made him stop talking as Lewis's voice came back through. 

"Silent is alive?! But Ridge had a body to prove it!" 

He stared down at me, my eyes pleading a little before he sighed. 

"Nevermind.... It was another image...." 

He closed the device, staring me down still as I sighed, my eyes finally closing all the way. 

"... communicator showed he was up here, where did you put him?" 

The voice was close, too close, making me tense up softly in fear. 

"I didn't put him anywhere, he left quite a while ago....." 

Ridge's voice was irritated, yet betrayed his anxiety. Sips looked over at the mask sitting on the desk, then back at me before reaching over and grabbing it. He turned and placed it over my face for me as it clips itself to my headband. 

Lewis steps through the blocks that were the door, being an illusion, taking in the room before a startled look came on his face. 

“Sips? Who's..... Is that....?" 

"Her name is Lila. She’s a cool gal." 

His response made me relax, my eyes trailing to Ridge as he stepped through as well, a look of relief on his face. 

"You never announced a new resident..." 

"Bebop found her in the taint biome, she was very sick for a while from having to eat it to survive.... Her face is a little.... Disfigured and she can't speak. She is flux free, before you start your bitching."

Lewis stepped over to the other side of the bed, looking a little skeptical of the story as he reached to take off the mask. My hand was fast, taking his wrist in a strong grip before his fingers touched the porcelain. He was startled, pulling his hand back quickly before clearing his throat. 

"S-sorry.... I just wanted to be sure...." 

My hand fell back onto the blanket, my eyes staying on Ridge as I made a small gesture. 

"Okay.... She has to use the restroom, could you two step out with me...? She's a bit.... Naked..." 

Lewis didn't have to be told twice, his steps quick as he passed through the illusion with Sips close behind. Ridge gave me a gesture, when diving it would mean 'shark' but to us it meant 'stay silent and alert', then left, solidifying the illusion to keep them out. I slowly draw myself out of the bed, my feet taking me to another illusion in the wall and into a very small room, having a few extra clothes in it. I pull my black dress off the hook, along with the purple leggings, taking my only extra pair of boots with me to place on. 

Dressing myself, I head to the bathroom again, taking the cloak and heavy bag before taking my portal gun, using it to get out and to the red room, placing the bag on my hips how it was meant to be worn and clipping the cloak on. I step out from the room to go to the bar, the three sat there in discussion. Bebop passed me going the other way, giving me a signal to be careful with the spaceman, nodding before I went to pass them and go to where Ridge had put apple bushes. 

They watched me as I went through the doors, not closing them as I stepped out to the ledge and plucked an apple from one of the bushes. I lift up the mask to bite into it, my stomach rumbling softly as I did, the mask sitting on top of my head as I looked out through the branches. I always loved the view from here. I ate the apple in silence, broken only by crickets and the crunch every time I bit into it.

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