"You did better than most... how do you feel?" 

I flexed my hands, turning them over as I looked over them. 

"I feel.... tingly....." 

My voice was a bit hoarse. He shifted to take my hands, his fingers moving between mine to open them to face palms upwards. 

"Try one of the weaker spells... it'll take time to get the hang of them.." 

I watched my hands as I tried flexing my magic. It felt like another limb, one that I was clumsy and dumb with. Orange static danced across my hand, and bubbled up, before an apple appeared in my hand. The static sparked before it faded. 

"Good... we can begin teaching you fully how to control tomorrow.... and outside.... it can be dangerous.." 

I nodded softly as he drew his hands from mine, my fingers wrapping around the smooth red of the apple. He pushed off my bed, his hand sliding up to run through his hair. 

"Get some rest, I'll be on the next level still once you've gotten some sleep." 

He vanished without a word, leaving me alone. I sat in silence for a time, before I stood and moved to the chest. I dug through until I felt the cold, smooth surface of the watch I'd taken with me. I pulled it out, the chain entangled with the leather strips left over from crafting ages ago. 

I pulled it free, before pressing it open. The white facade had golden Roman Numerals etched into it, to match the gold exterior. It was nearing the middle of the night. I stuck my hand back into the chest, to be met with the sharp pain of a pointed object slicing into my hand. I pulled back with a small gasp, a nice sized gash along the palm of my hand. 

I closed my eyes tight, in wait of the bloodthirsty feeling that came with the sight of blood. After a few minutes without the wave, I opened my eyes to see orange static finishing closing the wound. I held up my hand, and closed it into a fist. It was completely healed. 

I stared in my curiosity, before looking back into the chest. One of the pieces of metal that had fallen out of the blanket had sliced me it looked. I cautiously reached back in, to search for an iron peg from the construction of the power suits. I grasped a handful of slightly rusted pieces, my fingers grabbing my hammer from underneath them. I pulled them out and moved to the wall beside the bed. 

Threading the top link of the chain with a peg, I held the peg against the wall before striking it with the hammer. It sunk deeper than I thought it would, deep enough that I didn't need to strike it again. I tossed the extra pegs and the hammer back into the chest as I sat down on the bed. I sat a moment before I began to undo the boots.

Piece by piece, I undressed. I hung my dress and shoved the boots into the cubby, and drew out the dressing gown given long ago by Verbal. I pulled it on over my head before I turned back to bed, and slid under the comforter and blanket. I felt almost instantly enveloped in warmth, making me smile softly as I settled in. The watch was level with my face, allowing me to watch until I drifted off. It was well past midnight before I was able to slide into my dreams. 

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