Ridge was standing over me again in a flash, holding something shiny in his hands. He set it on my chest, making my eyes slowly wander to him. Even as Duncan came over with several bruises to his face to give me a potion, the pain wouldn't stop. Lewis gently opened my mouth for the potion, and it felt tingly and bubbly on the way down my throat. It tasted like the apples Ridge had grown for the apple cider.

"Make it stop....." 

I didn't realize I said it out loud. Ridge looked at me sadly, his hand moving to rest on my forehead in place of Lewis's.

"I'll do anything I can to make it stop hurting.... I promise...." 


Her name rolled off my tongue as he finished speaking, making him tense up a little. 

"You know what happened... Don't you...." 

"He ambushed her..... With a creeper....."

"I'm sorry...." 

I felt like I was having a fever, a soft image of Scarlett fresh in my mind as my head rolled to the side, knocking his hand off. 

"What is she talking about Ridgedog....?" 

"I killed her sister.... If I'd known she had a newly spawned sister I wouldn't have.... But when I planned it Silent was off trying to find seeds....."

"It hurts..." 

He sighed a little, pressing his hand over my neck a little hard as a red energy sparked around it. 

"When you wake up..... You won't remember anything about before living with Bebop, Verbal and I....."

Don't trust the man......

The sudden thought made me tilt my head slightly, my fixed sight changing to stare at him. 

He killed your family...

But he is my family.... My thoughts started blurring, confusing me as my eyes started drooping. 


The shouted command made me flinch, knowing that while he had his hand on me he could hear what I was thinking. The voice I heard wasn't mine.


"Trust me...... You can't kill me..... And I can and will help you...." 

His hands grew cold, his eyes meeting mine as the red sparks spread from his hands. 


My head grew too fuzzy to process things, my eyes closing to everything as I recognized the voice as my sister's.

My eyes open, not sure how long I'd been asleep for. I sigh, staring up at the glass ceiling of my bedroom at the dark, but slowly brightening, sky. Slowly getting out of bed, I wince a little, my shoulder aching as I put weight on it. 

That's right... A trio of demigods took me....

My legs held me fine as I went to put on my blue dress, hearing a soft knock from the other side of the illusion wall. 

"Naked. Give me a second." 

I quickly pull on my dress and leggings, leaving the boots and bow in the closet as I stepped out into the maintenance area for the turbine. Verbal was standing, waiting, a little worry on his face. 

"Silent, are you alright? Ridge told me what happened." 

I nod, leading him out into the main HQ. 

"I'm fine, my shoulder is killing me but that's about it."

He smiled, patting me on the head before going off to do his own thing. I felt like I was missing something, but I shrug it off as I walk around the hole the portals were all in to my red room. Ridge was sitting, looking out over the ocean where seats had been set up. I step up behind him, to look out as well. Glancing at him, it looked like he was in very deep thought, so I leave him be as I turn again to start working on the machines. 

Something's going on here... Ridge is never thinking that much, and now that I think about it, Verbal's never really been that concerned about me...

I shake my head, brushing it off as my being paranoid, before turning off the power to the machines to work.

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