Chapter Thirty-Five (Michael's POV)

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As I finished the song, it felt like a small part of her slipped out of me.

"Thank you guys for letting me share that with you," I thanked the crowd and rushed from the stage, trying desperately to hold myself together. They boys had let me close the show with that and took a final bow without me; saying that I was a mess was the understatement of the century.

They boys met me on the bus, I was eager to leave this place. Anywhere was better than here right now. I didn't want anyone to see me like this; I was barely comfortable with the boys seeing me in this state. I was so sweaty that my hair was stuck to my face, fresh tears smearing the trails of the previous tears that had fallen only moments ago.

This was what I was afraid of. I didn't want to feel like I was losing her forever. But that song took a piece of her from me and left it on that stage, where it would live and, eventually, die.

The boys boarded the bus; there was once a time where their laughs and smiles would have uplifted me in a heartbeat. But now, nothing could do that. Not even my three best friends. My brothers. I gave them a weak, forced smile as they sat around me, careful to give me a little bit of space.

Luke put his hand on my back, his eyes reflecting back at me. I caught a glimpse of myself in his pupils, which only caused me to dive my head further into my hands.

"Wow! That show was amazing guys! And Michael, your song—"

Luke cleared his throat loudly as Czara chimed in, having boarded shortly after Luke. She would be with us for the next few shows; oh how I wished November was here too. Her laugh filling up this bus would lift me up in a heartbeat.

She took a seat between Luke and Calum.

"Oops, sorry Mike."


It was quiet for a moment but just as the bus began to move, I could hear distant screaming. It grew louder and louder and soon, a wave of fans poured out around the bus, making it impossible to move. Security moved them away, but I could hear one still screaming my name in the silence.

"Shit," I thought I heard Czara mumble under her breath as she fixed her eyes out the window with laser focus. She was looking at someone, but I couldn't tell who. Luke gave her an odd look; he looked rather pained, as if he had tensed up all of a sudden, his eyes a bit wider than usual as he looked out at the same spot she was.

"See someone you know?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

She snapped her head quickly in my direction, Luke still looking like rigor mortis had set in next to her, his eyes still trained out at the crowd.

"Oh, no it's just—"

"A lot of people," Luke finished.

His eyes darted between Czara and I, eventually landing back outside as he cleared his throat.

The screaming came again. But it was still only my name. As the bus began to move again, I watched the crowd get smaller behind us. But something wasn't right. Security looked like they were having a hard time keeping them back. Suddenly, a single fan burst past the guards, making a mad dash for our moving tour bus.

Luke looked on, going paler and paler as the person inched closer. I could hear the figure screaming for me at the top of its lungs. A girl's voice. She ran desperately and with purpose. This fan must be relentless and I knew I would feel bad if I didn't at least take a picture with her.

"Hey, can you stop the bus for a second?"

"Michael, I wouldn't, it's not a good idea—"

Luke sounded absolutely desperate but before he could finish, I was already walking towards the front of the bus. The bus driver opened the doors and I stepped out into the cold night air. The figure was catching up quickly. But as she did, something wasn't quite right.

Just as the figure stopped a few feet in front of me, Luke emerged from the bus.

"Michael, I—"


When the girl spoke, tears immediately filled my eyes as all the air was forced from my body.


Suddenly, the background faded to black. As I felt the harsh texture of the pavement against my face, I fell into silence, unable to tell if this was reality, or a dream.

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