Dont Wanna Be Just Like You (E)

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Credit: antisocialhood


Calum didn't like Luke. He hated the way he smiled and laughed, his clothes, how he walked, and don't even get him started with how the blonde boy stood. Everything about Luke was annoying and left Calum feeling like he needed to claw his eyes out a couple hundred times. He liked to read and wear those stupid green glasses, and he wore flannels when it was 90° out, and Calum couldn't take it.

His parents were close with Luke's, they'd grown up in each others houses -albeit as far as possible- and it felt like Calum's parents were constantly trying to push him into a friendship with a boy he couldn't differ from more. Calum liked to be outside in the scorching sun and breezy air, he liked to play footy with Luke's older brothers and wrestle around after losing a video game.

And no matter how often Calum whined to his parents about Luke being 'so lame I could like die' they continued to shove them into rooms together.


Luke had his nose buried in a textbook. His eyebrows were drawn and he had a slight frown on his face, not that Calum was looking or anything. The boy studied more than he breathed and Calum swore he was going to cry if Luke didn't blink in the next five seconds.

He did and Calum sighed loudly. He wanted to hang out with Jack and Ben but they were at a festival according to their parents, and Calum had nothing to do.

He watched Luke. The way a dimple appeared on his right cheek when he smiled, probably because he got one of the textbook problems right, and his eyebrows were messy and in desperate need of being controlled, probably plucked too. His hands were soft, gently tapping against the cover of the textbook like he was antsy or something. Calum didn't care too much, he was more interested in the blondes fingers.

"It'd do you well to not stare at people." Luke had a deep voice, a lot more so than what Calum remembered from their childhood.

Calum huffed because of fucking course Luke would notice that. He noticed everything. He narrowed his eyes and Luke looked up, bright cerulean eyes searching his face.

"What the fück, Calum?"

He'd never heard Luke curse before and was sure his mother had heard him; the woman had ears like a hawk. He could hear his parents outside in the yard, probably situated around the picnic table with tall glasses of lemonade or tea.

"You've got nice coloured eyes." Calum blurted. It was a pathetic statement that left Calum blushing because honestly, what the fück?

Luke shook his head, focusing back on the book. His eyes darted around the pages like he was struggling to not look up. He finally sighed loudly, almost dramatically before slamming the book down and standing up from the couch. He moved towards Calum, fingers twisting around the edges of his blue flannel.

"What are you doing?" Calum hadn't been that close to the blonde in like three years and his breath caught a bit. Luke smelled like his room, the faint scent of cologne tickled at Calum's nose and he couldn't help but breathe in deeply.

Luke sat down beside him on the loveseat. Calum always tried to sit in the centre in case someone tried to sit beside him, although he probably wouldn't fight anyone off; usually, at least. His fingers were still playing with his shirt, lower lip pulled into his mouth.

Calum narrowed his eyes because Luke looked dangerous in a way; like he was about to do something really dumb.

"Hey." Luke spoke, voice cracking at the beginning. "You've got nice lips, can I try them out?"

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