Grow Up A Little More

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It's really early...


Luke looks nervous, shyly taping toeing the ground with one foot as he fights to keep the damn blush off his cheeks. He searches desperately within himself for the courage to speak, to finally voice out the words that have been ricocheting within his brain for six months now, demanding to be expressed out loud. Yet, now that he finally has the chance, every time he opens his mouth, they simply die on his tongue.

The object of his affections stares at him impatiently, a small, confused frown on his plump lips. "Well Luke, lunch is almost half-over. Are you going to explain why we're standing here in the music-room, not playing music and not eating lunch?" He glances at the door.

Okay, Luke... This is it. No more time now. "I... I like you," he mumbles, ducking his head low so he is staring at their scuffed-up tennis shoes instead of deep chocolate eyes. The second he lets the words escape, regret starts flowing through his veins. Goddamn it! Who confesses like this? Now Calum is going to laugh at him, or punch him, or maybe both, and it'll be the end of their band and their friendship.

But seconds tick by and Calum doesn't do either of those things. Doesn't make a noise. He just stands there, eyes glued on the top of Luke's head until the blond is sure he's going a burn a hole through it with the intensity of his stare. Of course, he hasn't said yes either.

But he hasn't immediately said no.

The butterflies in his stomach start a conga-line and all Luke can do is hope he doesn't puke right now on Calum's white shoes from the nerves.

Slowly, seconds of silence stretches into minutes, and just when Luke is about to wish for a giant hole to open underneath him so he can disappear, Calum reaches over and places a hand on his shoulder. Luke gasps, the scalding touch burning through his white uniform shirt until he is sure his skin will be blistered and red when he takes it off later on.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Calum asks, quiet and contemplative.

Unable to wait any longer, needing to see what his fate will be and knowing that he will find the answers in those expressive brown eyes, Luke dares to look up into Calum's face. Immediately, the dancing butterflies in his stomach are gone, replaced by what feels like a lump of iron he has somehow managed to swallow.

Because Calum's face does say it all.

Compassion. Understanding. No judgement or meanness. He will not be teased for his efforts. But his feelings are not reciprocated.

"F-forget I said anything," he says, dropping his eyes again and trying to push his way to the door.

"Hey!" Calum grabs for his elbow, jerking him to a stop. "I didn't say no, did I?"

Luke whirls around on the balls of his feet, all wide blue eyes and gaping mouth as his breath comes in shallow and fast.

Oh god... does this mean...?

He must be quite obvious in what he's thinking because Calum is quick to clarify himself. "What I mean is not now, okay?" 

Oh. Still a rejection, although this one stings less.

"Not now?" He frowns, blonde brows knitting together. What the hell could that mean?

"Well, you gotta grow up first, Lukey," Calum smiles, tapping him gently on the forehead.

The frown on his face deepens. "Grow up? What are you talking about Cal? I'm only 6 months younger than you."

"There's a pretty big difference between fifteen and sixteen," Calum explains looking a little smug and in that moment, Luke likes him just a little less. Calum doesn't let up. "If I'm going to be with a dude, he can't be a skinny little runt who can't even kick a football right, okay?"

That's a low blow. Calum knows Luke is sensitive about his lack of athletic skills, and his height, and his body. But it's hard to be too annoyed when the other boy smiles at him like that, all playful and kind and obviously trying to ease the tension to make him feel better.

Then Calum leans over and wraps his arms around Luke's shoulder, pulling him into a short, awkward hug and immediately, any resentment or annoyance Luke might have had has vanished, replaced by blissful happiness and visions of bubbles dancing all around them. It's short though, painfully short and before he can even contemplate wrapping his arms around Calum's waist, the other boy pulls away and starts heading for the door, a little redder in the face from the impromptu cuddle.

"So when you're done growing up, if you still feel the same, you ask me again, okay?" Calum calls over his shoulder just before he opens the door and slips out into the hallway.

Luke doesn't follow him, instead standing in spot and contemplating what just happened. He's 99% sure Calum just played him to keep their friendship and the band intact.

But Luke is not going to let him off so easy. He will grow.

And when he is big and broad and tall like his brothers, he will come for Calum.


Well I'm off to hell (school) have a nice day y'all!

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