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Credit: flameretardant123


Calum knows this is ridiculous and irresponsible. They're holding up an entire arena show, already 4 minutes late if the clock on the opposite wall can be trusted. Any second now, their irate manager is going to come barging through the door, demanding they get their asses up on stage.

But he can't seem to make himself care. Not when he's staring into Luke's eyes, at once familiar and still so new. He marvels at the color; this close, it's easy to tell they're not a uniform blue but a swirl of ocean and sky, with just a hint of ice. There's so much naked desire in them now and seeing it makes his own eyelashes drift down and his cheeks heat up in response.

Luke's hand flexes on his hip pulling him just that tiny bit closer even as the younger boy crowds him back so his back presses harder into the wall behind him.


It's a futile attempt to remind them both they have a concert to start. He threads his fingers through soft blond hair, uncaring that he has now messed up the perfect blond quiff the stylist took 20 minutes to get just right.

Luke doesn't seem to care much either, because he slowly closes the few inches between them so his lips press against the corner of Calum's mouth. "Just one more, baby... Give me one more..."

Brown eyes flutter shut. Later on, Calum will curse himself out for being so easily manipulated. But for right now, it's easy to get lost in the scent of Luke's cologne and forget their responsibilities. "Please..." He breaths back, no less eager for one last kiss (and another, and another) before they have to go out into the world and pretend like this isn't happening.

The response is immediate, all shared hot breaths and slanted mouths as Luke's tongue sweeps past his unresisting lips, forceful and urgent, tasting him, brutalizing him, and leaving him breathless and pliant in capable arms.

In some far corner of his brain, Calum realizes his defenses are slowly being stripped away. That in some very near future, Luke will ask for something more than just kisses and Calum will say yes. It's a minor shock when in the next instant, he realizes he doesn't care; he's chosen Luke, doesn't need those defenses anymore.

So he doesn't protest, only moans his pleasure when Luke presses an insistent hard-on into his hips and the younger boy's big, broad hands sweep over the curve of his hips and into his back-pockets, and he can't help but push up into them, wanting to feel.

He's not expecting Luke to break the kiss, so he has no hope of containing the embarrassing whine that bubbles out of his throat. It's a struggle to lift his eyes up so he stares into hungry, possessive blue through sooty, black eyelashes, his body quivering and desperate for more but not quite sure how to ask.

It's a few moments of harsh uneven breaths and electric stares before understanding flickers through Luke's eyes, the blue in them darkening into an angry storm. "Mine..." The word breathed out as a growl as Luke's hands become bolder, cupping his äss, feeling what Calum is ready to offer up to him already even though it's only been three short days since they made their halting declarations to each other.

But the next instant, someone comes barging in through the door and that delicious tension . "I swear to god, you two are ridiculous!" It's Ashton who has found them.

Embarrassed, Calum ducks his face to hide in Luke's neck, clinging to the younger boy for support and trusting him to deal with Ashton's wrath on both their behalf.

"W-we'll be right there, Ash," Luke manages, arms a little tighter around Calum before he withdraws the support, straightens his big frame up.

Calum wants to cry, protest, throw himself back into those arms and demand to be given what belongs to him.

But he has to be patient, wait two hours which feels like an eternity.

It's going to be a difficult concert.

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