Show Praise With Your Body (E)

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Credit: mywonderwall


Luke has become so much more confident in his body and he's been posting more shirtless photos and I'm so happy and I love it. He looks so good

Like I've seen more shirtless Luke photos in the past few weeks than I have in the whole time I've been a fan. I think the first time I actually saw him completely shirtless with nothing covering him was sometime towards the middle of last year

And the collage and this topic kinda go with the title so here ya go


It's one of those things Luke has known he's liked for years, can remember the moment he realized that maybe there was more to feeling good than just simply having an orgasm. He had discovered it one night by himself, masturbating as fast as he could, afraid of being caught by someone since the lock on his door never quite worked. It hadn't taken long for him to come, gathering it in his palm and wiping it in a tissue, but the itch hadn't been scratched. Something in his head had told him to keep going even though he had already come, even though his dick was getting soft, even though he was out of breath and his legs felt a bit like jello. But he had done it anyway, tugging some more at himself, crying out at the feeling, a strange hybrid of pleasure and pain, almost like he was finally really coming, like this was what having an orgasm was really like. He hadn't come again, but those extra pulls had been so much, and suddenly the opportunities seemed endless.

He can remember telling Calum, too, back when it was just hurried handjobs under the blankets and breathless kisses backstage, back when he looked at him and only saw his best friend, not his boyfriend, not the love of his life. He remembers Calum's hand awkwardly stroking him, technique still a work in progress, but focusing on the tip of his flushed cöck, the familiar jolt of overstimulation lighting up deep in his stomach. He remembers the orgasm being punched out of him, come spilling over Calum's hand, remembers how it had felt good but not good enough, but mostly he remembers telling Calum not to stop, to keep going even though it burned and he was shaking from head to toe; he needed Calum to continue to touch him. And Calum had nodded, his eyes wide, watching Luke's face contort in a way that could only be described as anguish as he kept going until Luke physically pushed him off his half hard cöck, laying back against the blankets and trying to remember how to breathe.

They had talked about it after that, about how Luke liked being pushed past his orgasm, about how even though it hurt, that he wanted it, that he sometimes felt like he needed it, and Calum had listened and asked questions because he wanted to know, he wanted to make Luke feel good, and maybe that was the moment when Luke really fell in love with him. Because Calum had looked him in the eye, foreheads pressed together, before kissing him gently and murmuring, "I've got you," and really, that's all Luke ever needed.


It always felt nice to be back home after being in LA for so long. The sights that had once been so familiar to Luke felt brand new all over again as he conquered the night with Calum by his side. Gone were the days of trying to convince one of their siblings to take them to the clubs, fake IDs clutched nervously in their hands. Instead, they walked in like they owned the place, like this was familiar, like they hadn't just recording their second album halfway across the world, but instead like they were having a night off from school work like the rest of their friends. They did shots and they danced and they laughed under the moonlight at their favorite rooftop club, but mostly Luke just admired the way Calum was, grinning to himself that that beautiful boy was his boyfriend, trying to ignore the way his body thrummed with desire, like it always seemed to whenever Calum was around. Calum was just so much, his body toned and sculpted, hair pushed out of his face so everyone could see his sparkling brown eyes, crinkled in the corners. His smile lit his entire face, like that time they had been in Niagara Falls on the Fourth of July, seeing fireworks from across the border for the first time in their lives. Everyone could see the way he carried himself, the confidence he had, but only Luke knew what he looked like beneath the surface, what his body looked like when he was aroused, when he had his head tipped back to expose his neck to Luke's mouth, when his dick was so hard it left bruises on Luke's hip the next morning. Luke knew all his secrets, all his insecurities, all the ins and outs of how he worked, beyond just their music.

cake oneshots || book oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora